chapter 4

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Paul POV

Me and the boys are all out doing the work that we need to be doing because we don't want to come up on a newborn army and that .Not good right now we need.see what that all about and take care of it because we heard a bit about them but we don't know for sure if taht waht going on around here.we need to look into things and taht waht where going to do

Jacob: well there is know more people around here right. Now and we need to see what is making the newborn coming around and see for sure if this is really something that going to be hard to see what it is for sure

With that we all head back to the House and Bella and Leah and the other girls where making lucnh.

I walked over and hug my wife and kiss her she my everything and I'm  Happy that I have her because she make feel me and that good

Bella : good thing to see that you are going to all back safe and sound so you don't seem like you saw anything why you where out there

Paul : not yet but when we know more well let you grils on all about that so yeah

After we ate I went the shower and for redy to head out and get to work and stuff .Which is good thing because with Sam. A way I need  do more at the garage and everything that we own right now because I really need to heat that running help people around here and everything with their work

Paul : okay baby I'm going to get ready to head to work and everything I'll see you later love you

Bella : love you too baby don't work so hard

With that I left I hope we don't need to deal with to much and I hope that Sam and Emily are doing  on their honeymoon and everything because I don't want to see anything happening to anyone that we care about the right now and need to step up things around her is good thing Jacobs in charge until he gets back


Me and my babe just left hanging with the Eiffel Tower and everything is she loves it being here in paradise and I'm glad I can do this for her but to tell you the truth we only have two or three more days before we head back home I hope there's not too much going on there because I really heard some things but I want to make sure everything was okay if I check in once in awhile and keep saying there are no but for some newborn Vampires by don't know what's going on hopefully we'll know more about it we'll make it back but I'm not worrying about that right now I'm going to focus on my beautiful wife

Emily: babe I was wonderful having supper at at the Eiffel Tower and everything you gotta spoil me and I'm glad that you took me to Paris I love you so much Sam Uley

Sam : good to know mrs.  Sam uley

I kiss her as soon as we got back to the Hotel and too her to the bedroom it feels so good to be here in Paris and I hope that everything is going ok babe at home and that a good thing if you ask me and I miss the boys and grils but I know that there handling it all and it it gets way out of hand they will let me know

Bella POV

why my baby was at work I was looking after all the kids and everything and I'm hoping that my sisters having a good time on your honeymoon I really wish nothing was happening here that shouldn't be happening I want to make sure everybody is being safe because it's crazy and as the Wiccan I need to concentrate more on my power we have to figure out for sure if this is really in newborn Army but they're going to be dealing with

Leah : what's going on inside that head of yours cuz cuz I know you too well sometimes LOL

Bella: Justin I'm praying hoping everybody's going to be okay and stuff like that so you know because of this a newborn Army and stuff you need to be prepared it's a good thing the cullens know everything about that

Leah : yeah that's really good thing that I know about that which reminds me I have to get ready and go on patrol it's my turn but I'm not doing a little my baby's going with me which is good I love being with Jacob and I'm glad that I have somebody that I can count on

Bella: what is a very cute and good thing if you ask me but the funny thing is it's kind of hard to see that you guys imprinted on each other but then again everything was coming into place so I mean look at me I'm finally happy married to the love of my life and everything I just don't want to have to deal with my parents drama anymore sometimes I wonder how my dad always put up with my mother and the stuff that she was getting in left but I'm glad he tried to change it for the better but let's just say she let things take care of the other way if you know what I'm talking about

And with that she left for the trolls not is easy for her being one of the only girl around the ass to be a wolf but she does the best she can hope everything goes as planned 1 thing for sure I love the fact that I have my family and everything

Just after I had said that it was few hours later and I did you're my baby coming home as soon as I put his arms around me and you know I was safe because I know his sent so I feel happy and turned around and kiss him

Bella : hay babe how was work

Paul : it was good I know that I've been alone for so long and everything but I just found out that one of my relatives is still alive away send me a letter saying he's getting ready to pass away and he's sending his daughter even though she's around 19 or so here to the buzz he doesn't want her to be alone and he thinks the fact that I'm her cousin I might be able to help her out

Bella: I think that would be a wonderful thing and everything but right now I think you should clean up an advancement in time for the kids before we get ready to have a big here cooking for the whole pack and stuff I hope my sister is having a good time with my brother-in-law

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