Chapter 4 - Spaceship (Nova)

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The cave was falling down around me. It shuddered and boulders came crashing down. The dust in the air made it hard to breathe. I ran towards the mouth of the cave, but it had collapsed. I was trapped.

This didn't actually happen, of course, but it was what my mind came up with while I sat doing nothing but listening to the steady thrumming outside. I had wondered what it was, at first, but when I put my hand out it was cold and wet, so I decided that I was content knowing what I did about it. I was doing nothing but listen to these (what I could only assume were) droplets of water falling from the sky. Insane-sounding, right? But what else could it be? Unless wherever this planet was had magic liquid that flew down in a torrent of drops. I was going to assume that it was water until told otherwise.

If I was even told otherwise. If this planet was inhabited, if the people who lived here and I even spoke the same language. The wind whistled through the cave, giving me goosebumps and making the back of my neck prickle. I shivered and wished I had a nice, uvla blanket to snuggle into, but at this point, even a big leaf would do. I was so cold. The only good thing about it was that the freezing air made the pain in my head throb less.

It came to me in a rush. I only knew one planet that had weather that could so easily shift from sunny and warm to cold and wet. I was on Earth.

Unless, of course, I was on a planet that nobody knew about. But I couldn't let myself think like that. So I must have been on Earth. A whole lot of good it did me, to know where I was. But...? How did I even remember that? Where did I learn about Earth's weather patterns? Where even was Earth on the map of the universe? I told myself I didn't care, that it didn't matter. But it did.

And to top it off, now I was hungry again. Throwing up everything that you've eaten since you crash landed on a strange planet and then not eating anything else? Big no no. Another thing to add to the list. But I did need food. What food and how to get it in this hellhole of wetness was the issue.

But then there was a thud, and the cave really was shaking. Small shakes, but enough to stir dust into the air. Damn the falling water. I was going outside.

I stepped into the gloominess of a world without the big shining light that I had become accustomed to. But there, not so far in the distance, was something that glinted dimly in what little light there was. It seemed to be smoking slightly, but the water obscured my vision so I couldn't be sure. I took a few steps closer and suddenly gasped. I knew what that was.

That was a spaceship.

Hi guys. Sorry that this is such a short chapter but I just wanted to make the stories be at the same point in time. The chapters from me in the future will probably be longer than this! Byeeee!

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