Our First 'Date'

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“Can you just stop being so cute?!” said Carter.

Well. I’m not a sassy person so I didn’t know what to reply with. Suddenly a simple yet really annoying sentence slipped out of my mouth.

“Oh God… Why am I so nervous?”

Carter giggled. “Because Emily, you’re in love with me.” and winked.

“Am not, Carter!”

“Are to, Emily!”

“Ughh! You’re just talking shit!”

“Emily, I want to hear that you love me. Because I cant be the only one feeling this way!”

“What wa-“

My phone rang. Way to ruin the moment caller!

Oh its my mom, oops!

“Hey mom!”

“Hi dear! So how’s the date going with Carter?”

“Mom its not a date, its just a meet up...”

“Okay dear when shall I pick you up?”

“About 9pm” shouted Carter.

I would have denied Carters request however,I told my mom to pick me up at 9pm.

“Come on now Emily, tell me!” Carter continued.

“Fine Carter! I love you alright? Ever since we got closer I felt something for you. I tried to hide it and I did. I tried to forget about it, and I also did that. But when you touched me today, I felt it all over again. Right when I though I forgot, it all came back…”

I was waiting for a “Oh okay, love you too” from Carter because you know, he’s not the type of boy who thinks about being charming. He’s pretty rough and reckless. But he proved me wrong.

“Emily, I love you more than you can imagine! I know I talk about other girls when I’m with you but that was only because I wanted to make you jealous. I wanted to see if you really liked me or not. And the more you hided your jealousy, the more I wanted to make up lies to impress you. Emily, you’re all that I want!”

I leaned in closer for a kiss and it was the most passionate kiss I’ve ever experienced. Then like the reckless boy he is, he gave me a big and strong kiss. I clearly couldn’t handle it. I wanted him. I wanted him so badly! 

“Carter, lets go somewhere else, the public cant handle this much sexiness!”

He held my hand and we walked over to his car that his dad owns. He didn’t get his license yet but he drives around all the time.

We were in the middle of the city and he drove for 15 minutes to a more quite place. The thing about this city is that even if you’re in the most crowded part of the city, with a 15 minute drive you can go to a place that has nothing but threes and silence.

He parked the car and we started kissing. We got to the back seat. He gently removed all my clothes and I removed his. And as you can predict, we had sex…

After 45 minutes, we were tired and finished.

“I never actually thought this would happen.” I said to Carter breathlessly.

“Well, you told me you were down for whatever with me.   So its not really a shock for me! I knew you were out for something naughty. I saw it in your smile. Its cute, innocent yet it speaks your mind perfectly.”

I blushed. I opened my phone and looked at the time.

“Carter! Its 8.55pm. We’re never going to get there by nine. And you know, if my mom doesn’t see me at the time I told her, she’ll kill me!”

“Don’t worry sweetheart! I’ll speed things up a bit, like I did while we were having sex” he winked at me and he started driving fast.

“Carter you’re going way too fast!”

“But you like that, don’t you?”

“Stop fooling around. Babe you’re gonna hit something! Its way too dark!

“Don’t worry about it Em’s”

I had a bad feeling inside. I trust Carter when he said nothing bad will happen but I have a feeling it would! He’s going way too fast!

"Oh Em's I'm so glad i met you! You know i can die right here, right now!"

"Carter dont say those types of things. I want you to be with me, forever!"

"I will sweetie. I will..."

Then suddenly something appeared on the road.”



“Carter wake up”

I was shivering!

“Somebody call an ambulance!” a woman yelled.

The ambulance had arrived and we took Carter to the hospital.

“Carter don’t leave me!”

They took him to the operation room and I was left alone.

“You need to come with us.” A nurse said

“Why? What do you want from me?”

The nurse pointed at my forehead with her eyes. I touched it and felt something wet. I was bleeding as well!

After a few hours I opened my eyes to see that my parents were by my side.

“Are you okay?” my dad said

“Yeah but, hows Carter?”

Suddenly Carter’s mom came rushing into my room.

“You did this to him! Maybe if you hadn’t made my son drive in the woods he would have been alive now” said Carter’s mom.

“Wait, Carter’s dead?” I asked panicking.

They walked away from the room and shut the door hardly!

I cant believe it.

I literally don’t know what to feel now.

Just when I thought I had him, I lost him

Carter, why did you leave me?

Why Carter?


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2014 ⏰

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