My feelings for you

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" ok so this picture that I put I love it because I hated when people say that you and its like you could say that same thing back to her but you a good friend and you won't"

"remember everything...

The way your eyes crinkle when you laugh

The way you loved to read

The way your cute glasses were perched on your nose

The way you bit you lip when you were concentrating

The way our hands fit each other like a perfect fit

The way you looked at me like if I was the only girl in the world

The look you gave me when you were confused

The way you said I love you

And most of all that night...

That night that you left me

I was alone

And I watched you fall in love

But this time not with me

But with her

She was perfect for you

So I let you go

But this doesn't mean that I completely got over you

I still get a rush of feelings when I see you

I still have feelings for you

I hate that I still do "

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