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The Women's March is one of the greatest movements from around the world. The Women's March is a way for women and men to protest peacefully against some of Trumps ideas. In only eight cities about 1,462,000 people marched to protest. It was mostly peaceful and they are still marching and they refuse to go down without a fight. I support the Women's March and hope that they get what they want and are fighting for.

My first thought was when did this happen and it happened January 21, 2017. I never thought that this many people could be fighting for one thing. I think that this is still happening around the world. I don't know when it will end nor do I know when it really started. I hope that this will make a difference.

When I was researching for this essay I found something very interesting I found a list of celebrities who support this. Some of the ones who support this surprised me very much. So here is the list here they are, Madonna, Vanessa Hudgens, Emma Watson, Miley Cyrus, Zendaya, Katy Perry, Connie Britton, and Taylor Swift. I found Katy supporting this interesting because she was at Trump's inauguration. Taylor didn't actually go to this event but she did send a tweet out to support it.

When I was trying to find out how many people this effected I didn't find an actual number but I do know that it was a lot. I know that it wasn't just a few people that this affected because of how large this march was. Sometimes even if it's a small protest it can affect many lives. These marches were everywhere even here in St. George which I was surprised at to say the least. I'm glad that this happened in many places so that it will make a larger difference.

Why this happened is a hard question to answer because there are many different answers. But I think that the most obvious one is because Trump is trying to take away abortions and they think that he has no right to do that. In other words they think that he is taking away basic female right and taking birth control off of healthcare. I believe that he has no right to do that I am pro-choice so this might be biased but I believe that the women should choose if she wants to keep the baby or not. There are many scenarios that could happen like the mother finds out she's pregnant and the father abandons her. I also think that the government has no right to choose weather a girl gets to keep the child or not because that should always be the mother's choice.

What started this is another hard question because I don't know everything about it I researched it and I know a lot about it yes but not all. So what I've seen in my extensive research is it was started by Trump's sexism. Like I said before I don't know all of the facts but I do know that he has denounced women many times. Also he has said that he will take away abortions which he is working on and birth control. I believe that he is a misogynist because of some things that he has said. I can't say most of the things because they are inappropriate. But he has verbally attacked some women on the news and in other places.

One of the easiest questions that I have to answer is when did it end and the answer to that is it's has not ended. It is still going on around the world trying to make a change. I have seen so many pictures and I've even been to a march and the women that I met there were so kind and just wanted a change. I want a change to like many others. I don't know if you support this and I don't care that much either if you don't want to support it then don't.

What is the effect of this march? The effect is many people being told that it's bad and stupid or for nothing. But others are told that it is a good cause and that we should support it. I have been told both things by both sides of my family so I chose what I believed in and chose to support. It is also lead people to losing friends and people either hating them or loving them for their choice. Millions of the people in just this country are for this and support this feminist act of peaceful protests that will hopefully lead to justice.

When I started researching this I wondered how far did this spread? I was shocked to hear the answers because it spread across the world even in Antarctica. I always knew that there were a lot of people supporting this but not this many. People are still trying to find an exact number but it's nearly impossible. They took pictures of the marches and they could still only estimate how many people were there.

I'm still shocked but I know that there were about 500,000,000 - 1,000,000,000 people but I don't know. That is how many people marched in all. It is impossible to know exactly how many people were in it because there were so many. There are some people that I know who tell me that no one cares about this but I know a lot of people do. I love supporting this march and I will always support it.

The Women's March has changed the world for the better in my opinion. People are standing up and marching for a cause all around the world. It makes me happy when I see the pictures because I know people care. Some hate this some love it you choose whichever one e you want. This is a good thing and I just want to say thank you for reading this.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2017 ⏰

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