Sixty Three

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(Group chat)

Jauren (1:07am)
I'm too tired for life

Allybear (1:08am)
Hello jailbird

Jauren (1:10am)
I didn't go to jail

Kordei (1:12am)
What kind of person attempts to get on a plane with drugs, are you stupid? Did someone smack you with the stupid stick?

Jauren (1:14am)
I don't usually get caught

Allybear (1:15am)
Usually?! I though we raised you better

Jauren (1:17am)
Raised me? Oh god

Kordei (1:19am)
So disappointed in you

Jauren (1:22am)
You what?? Last week you sat opposite me and smoked some, I'm disappointed in you Normani. Actually how dare either of you lecture me, you're both just as bad

Allybear (1:24am)
Well actually we don't take ours on planes, soooo

Kordei (1:26am)
On your way to your next destination try not to get hit by anymore stupid sticks

Jauren (1:27am)
When I get home on Sunday, try not to walk into my fist

Kordei (1:30am)
Excuse me?? Ally did you see that? Lauren is threatening me

Jauren (1:31am)
I did not, I was offering advice

Kordei (1:34am)
Your advice isn't welcome here

Jauren (1:35am)
You're not welcome here

Allybear (1:36am)

Mila (1:37am)
There's this thing that people do, it's called sleep, I like it, I'd like to go back to it, so if you could all kindly stfu

Kordei (1:39am)
When did you get all grouchy?

Mila (1:40am)
When did you start disrespecting the art of sleep?

Jauren (1:41am)
When did you start not caring about your girlfriend?

Mila (1:43am)
This me me me thing is getting annoying now Lauren

Jauren (1:45am)
Love you too

I WUV U ❤️❤️❤️ you are pretty stupid tho

Jauren (1:48am)
I'm pretty sure my IQ started declining some time in February and then completely crashed in June last year

Mila (1:50am)
That is so rude! Don't blame Dinah for your stupidity, she isn't here to defend herself

Jauren (1:52am)
I wasn't? God I hate you sometimes

Mila (1:54am)
You have no right to hate me, you just accused me of bringing your IQ down, that's not very nice now is it

Kordei (1:57am)
I was gonna sleep but I feel psycho Mila coming or crazy Camila, catastrophic Camila

Jauren (1:58am)
You are all annoying af

Mila (2am)
Annoying? Well you know what's not happening when you come back to Miami?

Jauren (2:02am)

Mila (2:03am)

Allybear (2:04am)
No MORE fucking Camz or no more, fucking, Camz? I'm a little confused

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