The Right Time

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Harry panted heavily, feeling his chest heaving with the breaths he was desperately tried to calm his breathing down enough to pull in a full lungful of air. Sweat was cooling on his skin, alternating with the boiling heat his body felt as though it had managed to hit, the flush that had covered his skin finally receeding a little. He clenched his eyes a little tighter and tilted his head back more enjoying the trembling after shocks of pleasure shooting through his system, Merlin he could feel it from the tips of his toes to his hair.

And he could feel his body against him where he still had his arms wrapped around that large, firm muscled, tanned body. He could feel the warm puffing breaths against his neck, their skin sticking where they were pressed against each other, he could feel the sweat cooling on his body and the fine tremours echoing through the heavy body on top of him that had managed in the last two hours to make him feel more safe than he had in weeks, hell probably years.

"Harry? Harry? I am...I am so sorry," That deep voice was rough with after pleasure, and filled with guilt.

"Why?" Harry felt a jolt of panic running through his system making him tense up. What if he had just wanted sex, what if he hadn't really wanted him?

"I took advantage of you, you're too young and I'm older, I shouldn't have, I am so sorry," when he felt him trying to pull away Harry pushed himself up onto his elbows with a scowl.

"You didn't take advantage of me, don't be an idiot. And if you didn't want to then why did you?" Harry snapped shuffling backwards on the sofa as humiliation swept through him.

"No, its...that's not what I meant," Harry's ankles were grabbed and he was tugged back underneath the larger body.

"Well how exactly did you mean it Fred? Because that's the way it sounded," Harry glared at the twin shoving against his chest.

"Its not that I didn't want to its that I bloody shouldn't have!" Fred snapped back.

"Why?!" Harry huffed frustrated, this was not exactly how he had pictured his first time to be.

"Because you're 14 and I am 16! One, you're underage, two, you're upset, you're lonley and I should know better than to take advantge of you while you were...Ow! fucking hell Harry!" Fred rolled off the sofa holding his jaw and staring shocked at Harry where he was glaring at him and shaking out his sore hand.

"Stop saying that you are taking advantage of me! I knew exactly what we were doing, I wanted to do it with you! And you know better than anyone that I'm more mature than fourteen," Harry stood and started tugging on his clothes.

"Harry wait, please," Fred groaned quickly tugging his trousers on, but not bothering to fasten them as he realised he really didn't want to be naked if Harry decided to knock him out.

"Why? So you can ramble on even more about how poor little Harry is too young and innocent to make choices for himself?" Harry snorted.

"Harry that's not what I meant!" Fred protested, wincing when angry green eyes turned onto him.

"Then what did you mean? Why did you sleep with me if you're just going to regret it?!" Harry shouted.

"Because I wanted you! Because I've wanted you since I first bloody met you, and I know I'm a creepy pervert because you were eleven! But I managed to make sure it stayed platonic and looked after you where I could without making it obvious but keeping my distance. But you looked so lost tonight, and I nearly had a heart attack watching you go against that bloody huge dragon! I had to come talk to you, and I couldn't stop myself and you responded and Merlin..." Fred dropped heavily onto the sofa and dropped his head into his hands.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2017 ⏰

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