Chapter one

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Shadows. Not everyone knows how they're actually created. Some of you are probably laughing and saying that they're created by light on a person and how it shows you on the ground or wall. Well in a way light is pretty good for you humans. Well let me tell how they're actually created. The light when it comes onto us Guardians we become seen in the human world but you think of us as merrily your shadow. I guess in a way we are.

Light. Inspires happiness and peace. No one knows the real horrors of light.

If we didn't wear our cloaks in sunlight we would literally be burned. Not to ashes but when we're distracted by things like pain then you could easily be killed by our enemies. You may wonder what type of creatures, but you're mind couldn't process that information.
     Human brains can only process what they can understand. You'd freak out if I told you what type of creatures lurk in the shadows or are just invisible to your eye. I'll describe them if it effects the story line, but I won't say their names because,  you may not know this but names have power.

Monsters. You think of cyclops or giants but those aren't what you should be afraid of. Those are just imaginary.

Dreams. Some tell you events that'll come. Others show your greatest fears like dying or being tossed into a room full of spiders, snakes, and rats. But you couldn't dream of the actual horrors in the world because they're so scary you couldn't even imagine their horror.

      So I'm going to get on with the story. I stood alert while Kyle was walking down the street. I thought I heard the cry of one of the creatures of the night. Kyle has been my assignment for 16 years. Right now it's around 10 o'clock and he's sneaking out to some friends party.
     He didn't know doing so is unsafe more creatures lurk at night. He didn't know he'd end up hurt or even in he hospital but it's what happens when he goes to a party he isn't supposed to.
     As he was walking down the street I followed shrugging off the feeling that we were being watched. I knew we were but I have a job to do. We got to the party it's loud and discombobulating. Lights flashing, solo cups clanking together, and drunk teenagers running around. I bet only a few were going to drink but peer pressure is hard to ignore.
    He walked in and made himself some punch thinking it was safe to drink, but by that time it was  already spiked. He took a sip and looked into the cup suspiciously but just kept drinking it. I on the other hand as alert looking around for one of the creatures of the night. At parties sometimes these creatures join. You probably have seen them and not know you have.
     It's the guy who ends up being tossed out or acting a fool. Yeah that would be one of the creatures not as terrifying as the others but in their non party form they are terrifying when they are. I looked around some more and saw no sign of any think wicked except other Guardians doing the same thing I was. I turned around to watch Kyle and notice he was gone.
     I freak out and looked around some more. I have one job and I fail somehow. I hear a scream and I rush towards the noise. What I saw made my heart drop.
The BookKeeper here, what did you guys think? Let me know in the comments so I know I should continue it or not. What do you guys think the Guardian saw? It must've been bad since her heart dropped and yes the Guardian is a girl.
-TheBookKeeper100 signing off

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2017 ⏰

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