Chapter 1: the beginning

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A/n the pic is something I found on Google. I just thought I should put it here. Hope you like this story!! :3
Hi I'm Emily Serpina from the scouts and this is my story...

Emily's POV

I've been an orphan for as long as I can remember. I think it was Titans that killed them, but my memory is hazy. I'm five years old at the moment and I'm walking around in wall Maria. I stop and look at the MPs stationed at the gate. I walk up to the one who's been taking care of me and yes he basically adopted me so I'm not really an orphan, but anyways back to the story.

"Hey there Emily." He greats me kindly. "Do you need something?" He asks me. I shake my head 'no'. "Ok then you can go see Levi he's with his parents in the garden. (FYI Levi is like 10) I nod and run along to the garden. When I arrived I peeked in and just started watching him work. After making up my mind I walk in.

"H-hi Levi-chan." I great timidly. He turns to me with his straight face.

"Hey Emily." He replies monotonously. I frown.

"W-why don't you ever s-smile Levi-chan?" I ask quietly. He didn't answer though. There are times where he didn't answer my questions, but I'm the only friend he has at the moment. I mean sure there's Erwin, but he's busy at the moment with other stuff.

"Could you help me instead of standing there?" Levi asks turning his head to look at me.

"Ok!" I beam and start helping around the garden and house.

After gardening, Levi went to wash of and change since he's a 'clean freak'. I'm setting on the steps of Levi's house when I see a group of people with white cloaks that have a badge with a syringe design in it. I, being curious, walk to a tree near them and climb up it to hear them better. They're talking about a way to get of Titans and something about fighting fire with fire. I was confused for a sec, so I sat up on the branch making it move.One of the people notices me and starts walking towards me making his friends turn to see me in the tree.

"Hello there little one what might your name be?" The one who spotted me first asks.

"E-Emily Serpina." I reply timidly. "And you?" I ask still timid.

He smiles. "I'm Doctor Jaeger." He answers kindly. I slowly climb down not feeling any danger coming from him. "Would you mind if we ran a few test to see if you're in good heal?" The doctor asks. I shake my head 'no' and follow him to a house far from town. "Remember when I said I was Doctor Jeager?" He asks. I nod. "Well that was a lie." He said with an evil smirk and that was the last thing I remember before the darkness...
(Word count 483)

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