Parents! Aoba X Koujaku X reader pt. 2

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"You catch that boy's name?" Aoba asked his daughter upon picking her up from after school care.

The days could get busy, so he and his husband had decided to sign you up for it. A prime example of Koujaku not being able to join him. You came home a little later, but you didn't seem to mind. Most of the time all you really did was color or go out to recess.

"Which one?" Was asked, looking around the cars that passed by. No doubt there were more boys than girls in your class this year.

"The one you told us about on your first day, right?" A blue haired papa asked her. Looking rather tired, he watched her shuffle through child memories to shake her head.

"I don't know..."

"You're tired aren't you?" Aoba chuckled, seeing you nod a bit. "Well you can sleep once we get home."


Upon arriving home, Koujaku saw something bundled up on the couch. He walked over to it, seeing his child asleep on the couch in the midst of watching her favorite show.

Everyone had been asking about her recently, he replying that things were going just fine. Turning off the tv, he hoped they stayed that way. Gently plucking her up he set his daughter away in her proper place for sleep- her own bed.

If anything, he felt sleepy himself. "Koujaku." A familiar voice interrupted him.

"Could you take care of her tomorrow morning? I have to get earlier to work." Aoba was speaking in a hushed whisper, having his husband follow him in the hall.

"Of course..." a deep chuckle emitted from Koujaku as he wrapped arms around the smaller man and kissed his forehead, coursing fingers through sky blue hair.

"Remember when it used to hurt when you did that?" Was said after a long pause.

Nodding into the hair that no longer receives stimulation, Koujaku couldn't forget.

"You know, of all the hair I've touched I can't seem to tell which one's the best...yours or y/n's..." with that, he placed his lips on his husbands for a brief moment.

Meanwhile a small girl could hear talking from her closed bedroom door. It wasn't too bothersome, and she was too tired to care in her half sleep.

Shifting a bit, slumber would resume.

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