The Night We Really Connected. (Prussia x Reader insert)

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     I was at home resting after a long stressful weekend. Ludwig Bielschimdt, representative of Germany and my boss, had given me the day off.

      "There's really no reason for you to come in today, Frau _____." he had said when he found me up, dressed and in the kitchen. I must have looked confused, because when I didn't say anything, he simply told me to go back to bed.

      So there I was, lying in the bed that Gilbert Beilschmidt, Ludwig's older brother, my husband, and represtative of Prussia, and I shared. Our room was in the fully furnished basement of Ludwig's home. We were going to build on, adding in a kitchen, an extra room, a game room, an exercise room, an extra bathroom, and a home theatre. Outside there was going to be a patio and a pool. Of course Ludwig had given his approval with one condition. The condition was that he and his frau -Sarah, one of my best friends- could use any of the additions at their leisure. Gilbert had agreed, eager to get started.

     So anyway, I was lying there in our bed that smelled so much like blood and Gilbert' s cologne and feeling utterly useless. I got up and decided to get up and start cleaning.

       What's better to come home to that a clean house that some one else cleaned?' I thought.

     Singaprowl, my bengal tiger, was asleep on the couch. I padded over and threw a blanket over him. I knew he could sleep through anything, because he had slept through wars and arguments between my mother and I before she had killed herself. I turned on the large stereo system in Ludwig and Sarah's room and set out to clean. I started with that room, simply because I was already in there. I looked around.

      "Man... To be as Gott Verdammt strict as Luddy is... He and Sarah sure does keep a messy room..." I said to Germouser, Ludwig's large, dark grey cat, who was lying on what I assumed to be Ludwig's pillow. He cracked open a sleepy, blue eye, meowed his agreement and went back to sleep.

      I got started, picking up all the clothes, deciphering clean from dirty, and throwing the dirty ones into a pile just outside the door. There was underwear, pants, socks... All of which i assumed was Ludwig's... Bras, panties, lacey night wear... Which i took to be Sarah's. Once I had all the clothes sorted out, the room looked a bit better...

    Then I turned my attention to the ammuntion strewn about the room. I looked to Germouser, who was watching me intently.

   "Is it always this bad?" I asked him. He meowed again, as though to say, "Always." and continuted to watch me. I sighed heavily and began sorting through the ammunition. AK47, 9 mm, AK47, shotgun... Finally after about 20 minutes of this, i had four piles of bullets. AK47's, 9 mm's, shotgun shells, and bullets that I thought didn't even look legal. I went to Ludwig's closet, found four shoe boxes, walked back to the piles, and placed each pile in a different box. I then labeled each box and placed them back in the closet, neatly. Now the room was starting to look more like a room, and less like a dump.

     Finally, trash. This proved to be a harder task than I ever would have thought. There were bier cans, broken glass, used condoms (ew), papers, candy bar wrappers, and soda cans. I couldn't believe Ludwig would leave his bodily fluids lying all over his room.. But then again, it was just that: His room. I couldn't and wouldn't say anything. I finished picking up the room and got the vacuum cleaner out. Germouser looked at me with raw hatred, stood, stretched and left the room. I laughed to myself as his fluffy tail disappeared around the door frame. It took me a while, but when i finally finished, I decided I should start on the Kitchen.

     As i stepped into the kitchen, one of my favorite songs came on. Addicted.

I'm so addicted to

All the things you do

When you're going down on me

In between the sheets

     My mood changed. I was no longer craky and tired, I was now excited and missing Gilbert. As i cleared the table completely, the back door opened. I turned and saw Gilbert leaning in the door way, loosening his tie, smoking a cigarrette, and unbuttoning his shirt.

     "What are you doing home? You're supposed to be at w--" I began but was cut off by Gilbert pressing his lips to mine. I pushed him away. "What are you doing!?" I managed.

     "Psst, nicht sprechen ... Nur fühlen." He kissed me again this time deerper, and more passionate. Before long i felt myself being lifted and sat upon the table. He laid me back and slowly began slupping my shirt up, kissing my neck softly.  He pulled my shirt off and threw it aside. He slipped his own over his cery muscular shoulders and let it fall to the floor. Soon we were both on top of the table. Closer and more into one another than we had ever been before. Finally we both finished and he slowed to a stop. Remaining on top of me he whispered, "Ich liebe dich. More than you could ever understand. Du bist mein Ein und alles. Du and Ich fur immer." He kissed me once more before climbing down, pulling me to my feet,and looking deep into my eyes. I felt almost like he could see into my very soul. It was the best feeling in the world.

"Ich liebe dich, anch, mein schatz." I whispered back.


I hope you all like it. Please! Comment, and request more. I love writing about Gilbert and his antics... But I'll write about any of the nations. And other stuff too if you like. (: Thanks for reading! ♥♥♥

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2012 ⏰

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