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Vision. Slightly blurring.

Sound. Muted. Distorted.

Head. Spinning. Faster and faster.

Heart. Pumping in my chest. Harder than it should. Louder than it should. Faster than it should.

Adrenaline. Rushing through my veins. Not the good kind of adrenaline.

Fingernails. Clawing into the back of my hand.  I cant tell if its bleeding.

Stomach. Nearly failing to keep its content in.

Sweat. Covering my body. I'm cold, though. I'm so cold.

Throat. Closing. Lungs. Shrinking.

"Breathe", someone says. I can't. I don't know how to.

I must have known at some point, I must have, I know I must have because my body has survived sixteen years, you need to breathe in order for your body to survive, that is biology, I am good at biology, I know I am, even though right now I don't feel good at anything. But even if I wasn't good at biology I would know that you need to breathe to survive, that you need to breathe for your body to function properly, that you need to breathe, that you need oxygen for your brain to keep working.

I don't understand.

If I have known how to breathe for sixteen years, then why don't I now; and if your brain needs oxygen to work then why is mine going into overdrive while I feel like my lungs haven't come into contact with air for the past decade.

I don't understand.

"Breathe", someone says.

I can't.

I don't remember how to.

I think I forgot how to breathe.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2017 ⏰

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