Just another school day.. sorta

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[The sky is filled with fog that surrounds everything and anything it can. Mist blows into citizens faces as they walk down the street.]


"Nessa, come on we are going to be late for our first day." I pull the old quilt, which looks like a pile of fabric scraps,  off of my sister and continue to wake her up.

"Ok.. ok just five more minutes-" she mumbles with a bunch of other gibberish nonsense I can't understand.

"Whatever, I'm going to leave without you if you aren't downstairs in 10 minutes." I walked out of her room and closed the rickety old door behind me.

Ten minutes later Nessa comes down the steep oak stairs and we jump into the car to head off to school.

"What's your schedule?" I ask curious to know if I will at least know one person in some of my classes.

"English, physics, history, calculus, and Spanish." She says as she's unfolding the crumpled paper.

"We don't have any classes together" I sigh as I recall my schedule:
Calculus 1
"I guess we will just have to suffer through the day." I open the car door and look around at the school. Everyone is looking at us as we climb out of the vehicle. All around us are bright red Mercedes and bright blue Lamborghini's, and all we have is an old navy blue truck.

"It's only 8 hours," mutters Vanessa.

"Only 8 hours," I say in response. We fist bump and walk inside, then go our separate ways.

It's 6th period and I arrive in the cafeteria. So far I have made one friend, who is a little strange, but at least he is welcoming, unlike most people here. I sit down with him, Luke, and his friends. Glancing around the lunch room, I can see many different groups of people, but one catches my eye in particular. "Who are they?" I ask blankly staring at the people I see.

One of Luke's friends answers, "they're the Key's."

"The Key's?" I question, trying to understand what she means.

"They are all adopted by Dr. Key, but it's weird because they all act like they are together with another person in the family," she states.

"Together as in-" she cuts me off.

"Dating. Yeah, it's weird since they are technically family," she turns back around and continues eating.

I'm about to turn back and finish lunch when a guy walks in through the doors. He catches my eye right away. "And h-h-him" I stutter.

She turns back around to see who I am asking about, even though by the way she looked I could tell she already knew. "That's Collins. Collins Key," she says staring at me like I am insane. "I wouldn't waste your time, no one is good enough for him, so he thinks."

I watch as he gracefully takes a seat next to the other Key's. He looks up and catches me staring at him. Quickly, I turn around. "Hopefully he didn't see me" I think, trying to avoid turning around again.

I continue eating my sandwich, wondering how I am going to survive this year.

[Author's Note]:
Thank you guys so much for all the positive responses I've been getting in the comments and on Twitter! You guys are amazing and I will for sure be continuing this story. I love you all!! If you have any feedback comment on here or hmu on Twitter @MerrellTwinFann . Lysm

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