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i had always felt drawn to her. the way she smiled, the way she spoke, the way she laughed.

was it love? or just my instincts telling me that she'd be an amazing friend?

i first came to the conclusion that i was in love with her about four years after we met, a year after i began to feel what i now know to be crushing on her. but i never knew why.

we always hung out at my house, telling each other stories, watching movies. she was my friend.

but i wanted her to be one of my closest friends, yet i never confided in her. for me, friendship is based off of loyalty and trust. so why did i want to keep her so close when she didn't truly fit my definition of a close friend?

i questioned this for a year, toying with the idea that i may be crushing on her, but i instantly waved away the thought. ruining friendships is the worst. besides, i don't have the emotional stability to be in a relationship anyway.

one day, something clicked, and that's when i knew. i was in love with her.

but why?

i didn't know the answer to that either, not until i turned sixteen.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Feb 23, 2017 ⏰

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