My ally way

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'Sweet baby girl live to be strong,

live to be happy, may you live long.

Grow  to be a great woman,

Do not shy away and hide.

May you allow your mother to be by your side.

When your heart gets heavy let me know you've cried.

I shall wipe your tears, please do not hide.

May you become a wife, but do not allow that to be your life. 

please live free, for many will hold you down,

but you will have the strength to stand the crowd.

please my young child know that mother loves you, 

and will always be there to fight.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~ four hundred years later~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The cars drove passed as Hika sat watching the lights flicker pass. It was normal for her to be alone in this spot. It had most of what she needed, couch/bed, water, but she was running out of money and food. It was about time to get some more to eat but only had enough to by a bag of chips, well she could hunt.

"But it's late for that crap right now!" She said as she threw herself on the dirt covered and slightly moist couch. She was used to this place and enjoyed the overhead view. "I guess I could buy some ice cream."

She got up and grabbed the slightly faded hand bag that was buried under the rocks and cardboard in the corner. As she walked down the street the people gawked at her because it was freezing to them and she was only wearing tank top and a makeshift skirt that she made with a cloth she found in a ditch with her baby blanket wrapped around her neck. Many sent her judgmental looks and called her names such as hobo, slut, and tramp. This sort of behavior did not bother her much since she grew up around it.

"Man I wish I had enough for a jacket, but that guy needed it more then me." Hika mumbles to herself.

The store was empty since it was a little late. She walked in and the cashier greeted her very kindly since she was a frequent costumer.

"Hello lovely miss Hika." She said leaning over the counter.

"Yo." Hika replied with a slight wave of her hand. Walking up to the freezer she saw she only had enough money to buy a pint of ice cream and some juice. She turned and walked up to the cashier with a sigh and saw a girl with a school uniform leave the store as she paid for her 'meal'. "I'll take this."

"Alright Hika but y'know it's the middle of the night and it's freezing outside yet you buy ice cream." She said scanning her items. Hika started leaving with her bag in hand.

"Thanks for the concern but the cold only bothers the people who do not live in it." Hika said as she threw the bag over her shoulder. She was walking past the store when a loud sound came from down her ally way. She looked down to see some dumb high school thug wanna-be's in her ally way pinning a girl against the wall.

The boys were quite stereotypical. One had slicked back black hair and a slim nose with a lip piercing and wore an open school uniform. He was the one holding her to the wall. The other had long blonde hair and a white t-shirt with a beanie covering his eyes. He had a annoyingly stupid grin on his face.

"Hey Momozono we might get a good price for you." Said the kid with black hair. He was disgustingly close to her face and playing with her hair.

"Don't worry maybe you'll get a good home with some rich dude." Said the shorter long hair guy with a beanie. He laughed at his comment tilting his head back.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2018 ⏰

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