Chapter 5

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I slowly open my eyes and see that mommy is gone. I get up and walk into the living room and she's not there. Suddenly I hear a pained grumbling coming from the bathroom and notice her hunched over the toilet. I run to her " baby girl are you ok?" I ask.
"I..I don't think so.." She says wiping her mouth.
"Just let daddy take care of you little one." I say putting her hair up so she doesn't get throw up in it. I run to the kitchen and grab her some sprite to ease her tummy and I go back to the bathroom and grab a damp wash cloth and a thermometer. I pick her up and carry her to the couch and I place a trash can next to her. I lay the cloth on her head and put the thermometer in her mouth. While she's having her temperature read I turn on my little pony. BEEP BEEP! The thermometer reads 100.6°F. "Wow sweetheart let me get you some medicine." I run to the bathroom and grab some Tylenol. Once I get back I give her the medicine while she jerks her head around trying to avoid it. Then I lift her head and sit down and let her lay on me while we watch my little pony. She slowly drifts to sleep andi pick her up grab her a bottle with milk and i carry her to my bed. I gently lay her down and climb in bed beside her. As soon as i get the blanket pulled up over she scooches closer and nestles her face in my chest. I grab my lap top and begin working on some school work. Then i slowly drift off to sleep.
***skip 6 hours***
I wake up and notice my princess is gone. I stand up and i hear trickling water from the bathroom. I run in there and see my baby girl running a bath. She turns around and i see she had thrown up on herself.
"Awe baby come here sit down, let daddy help get you out of those dirty clothes," i say carefully lifting her shirt up over her head. I finally get her undressd and settled into the bath. I lean her back and gently wash her hair as I reassure her that its ok. "Im sorry youre sick baby girl," i tell her. She starts to drift off as i finish washing her hair so i drain the water and pick her up and lay her in bed and i carefully dry her so she doesnt wake up. I turn on my little pony as back ground noise as i craw in bed next to her. I gently rub her face as she snuggles up to my chest and i drift off to sleep with my sick little princess.

(I am so sorry its taken me so long to update ill try and be better ive just been struggling with alot of stuff in my life)

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Oct 21, 2017 ⏰

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