Fury of the End

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Tilda was performing cover version at her first gig such as Tilda croons to the third song, the fourth song was being performed on piano. Meanwhile; Briar and the others were beginning to experience strange, eerie things happen to them: Ichigo and his friends could hear a howling sound that rumbled throughout the agency's building. It sounded like an eagle or a wolf. The howl seemed to follow Ichigo and his gang as they ran! In the darkest night; Lucy was trying to sleep but she kept hearing footsteps approaching her. She looked over at her bed where she saw a dark shadowy figure approach at her bed. Lucy was scared so she ducked under her covers. She peeked out when she saw a woman was in a white dress in an old-fashioned style of skirt, usually full length and bell-shaped, and plenty of trimmings such as pearls, flowers, lace, poofy sleeves, a large waist ribbon, and a large veil. However; as the woman got closer her appearance changes: the skirt was tattered and bell-shaped, there was ripped of the trimmings such as blood covered pearls, wilted flowers, torn lace, ripped up sleeves, cut up waist ribbon, and the veil became dirtied. Just then, the woman raised her hands up that were covered in blood and lets out a wail as she lunges at her. There was a scream as Natsu and the others ran, they found Lucy crying as she said: "She was here...Ophelia Fury, I saw her! I swear!" The next day; other guilds from Magnolia were being tortured by nightmares of their worst fears. They would wake up and find bloody scratch marks on their backs, arms and wrists! Words such as 'Always watching' and 'Never leave me' were all over the walls in blood-red. But they were hearing noises of doors opening or creaks from above. One word would forever haunt them: "I see you, I know who you are." Written in permanent marker, color was crimson. Also; Rin looked out the window where he saw four young girls dancing outside. Meanwhile; Shiemi witnessed a young girl babbling to herself and try to talk to her so she got Yukio to come help. By the time they got there, that little girl was gone. They search for her but they didn't found her however they are shocked to find Bon and the other classmates slaughtered in cold blood. Yukio couldn't believe it, Shiemi gasped sharply while uttering out sobs when a voice exclaimed: "You guys, how did you guys did all this?" Yukio and Shiemi whirled around to find that the classmates were alive and OK. The two of them slowly turned back to see mutilated body parts of animals and the words written in blood which read: "Will you? Won't you? Join in the game of death?" Around the next morning; Gareki was working as Nai was playing, when Gareki looked up and nearly jumped. He thought he saw a woman looming over Nai who was oblivious by her presence. At that night; Rosemary was watching Tsukumo sleep while Pansy observed Eva in her slumber. And Rue & Collie stared at Kichi while she slept. They don't realize that they are being observed by each of Hirato, Yogi, Tsukitachi, and Jiki who are uneasy by the creepy nature of these girls. There are people who suffered from Abigail and her daughters: The first was Yato who nearly choked and struggled to swallow but he did. The second was Yukine overslept after he couldn't sleep from a nightmare he had about a woman sitting by the river. The third was Hiyori which she stayed in her room, earlier she saw a group of girls staring at her before letting out a howl-like wail. There are others who experienced with dark and madness. Kofuki was drunk and falling asleep however she saw something in the mirror. A girl waved at her before taking her own head off! She let out a yelp, she managed to look back and saw just herself—her own reflection. And Koku has stitches in his neck from a flesh wound of a crazy lady that attack him while defenseless. In the interim; Kotetsu had a nightmare about himself pierced while organs are taken out of his corpse and being harvested. But he wasn't the only one: Barnaby dreamt of being burnt alive and an ear to ear carved into his mouth. Karina had a nightmare where she was drowning and couldn't get to the surface for air. The others experienced nightmaresof themselves being tied up and burnt alive, strangled to death, stabbed in the heart and her organs were being removed, eyes being gouged out through a stab wound and heads severed. While he spotted a stranger alone from afar; Eren peered at her, he gasped when he saw the girl's mouth splattered of blood where her mouth curled and puckered while moaning softly. Eren almost puked, he gulped and the girl stood up and put her arms around Eren. Eren was too scared to do anything, the girl rested her head on his shoulders. Her small arms around him, "Come on, you know you want it." She whispered. "Who are you?" Eren asked, in a demanding tone and staring at the girl. "I'm not all there, my dear friend. I don't know why but there's something wrong with me." The girl said, she begins to whimper and sob. She furiously clawed at Eren, who pushed her and ran as the girl wailed: "WHY?!" Despite the lunacy that had occurred; the Fury Sisters were on the loose! They have done killings to children who were 'born evil', bullies that hurt other kids and teens, as well as criminals who were not remorseful, bigots tow the other races of color and gender, and other people. Some people would call that "Pay evil onto evil". The whole code of 'tearing the whole world down' would be another example of taking down evil people, the savages, the terrorists, the most dangerous people in the world, and other horrible people. It was like the Fury family would take on the most toughest criminals of all and their supernatural powers and Corruption would cause mass destruction towards other people. But innocent people aren't lucky where they are tormented, whether it's abused people who denied that their abusers are hurting them and are psychologically tormented by showing them painful memories and then after, comforting them before avenging them by murdering those that wronged the abused, those who are used, and those that didn't deserve with these heinous acts of violence and unwanted carnal desires. What is the signature outfits to find the Fury sisters? Rosemary wears a purple dress, Pansy wore a blue dress with long hair, Rue wears a red gown with two ponytails, and Collie wears a white dress with spots of red on them. Rosemary strangled a 4-year-old boy to death on the day before her birthday. She was believed to have killed the boy all on her own, but she and her sister would later vandalize a local nursery and make claims to the murder. She and her sisters would strangle another boy to death — this time a 3-year-old. After killing the boy and stashing his body in the woods, Rosemary returned and carved the letter R into his stomach. She then cut off bits of his hair as though he were some sort of doll, and mutilated him. Later, Pansy took another boy on a mile walk to a semi-secluded area, along some railroad tracks by an old cemetery. That's where she killed the boy. Pansy threw paint into his left eye, hit him with bricks, beat him with an iron bar, and beat him so severely that he was no longer breathing, she laid the boy out across the train tracks and weighed him down so that he couldn't move, hoping that a train would come and cut him in half. A minute later; Rosemary had toyed with the notion of killing two brothers, and had even posted images with captions extolling the pleasures in watching them suffer as she played dangerous pranks on them. Finally, the four sisters then knocked on a door and were greeted by an elderly woman, who seeing two young teen girls let them in without hesitation in the hopes that she'd have a nice conversation over tea. They did sit chatting with her but then they turned violent and dropped all pretenses. Rosemary grabbed the old woman by the neck and held her, while Pansy found a butcher's knife in the kitchen and tossed it to her which Rosemary used telekinetically to stab the woman, and continued stabbing her while the old lady pleaded for her life as Collie and Rue held each other while laughing. The sisters ran away like lunatics that they want to do it again because the feeling of killing gave them a good vibration of arousal to violence. On Sunday; Rosemary and her sisters then appears among the younger girls and wearing her veil, awaiting Holy Communion. One of the girls is outraged and urges her teacher to put a stop to it immediately. Shortly after, a teacher notices the smoke and discovers a body, her screams summoning the rest of the congregation. At that moment, Rosemary slips the veil into her pocket. She is resentful of her classmate's presence, and wants to stay home with her sisters instead of going back to school. The classmate's obvious dislike for the girl gives way to accusations about the murders; she points out the fact that Rosemary and her sisters' whereabouts during the murder are unaccounted for. The teacher seems to be unwilling to admit that Rosemary acts strangely, insisting that nobody understands Rosemary like she does. She has to smooth over a confrontation between Rosemary and her classmate, sending Rosemary on an errand to defuse the argument. Rosemary startles the rectory's housekeeper by wearing a bizarre translucent mask and she terrorizes one of her classmates by stealing her doll and luring her to an abandoned building. While inside the building, Rosemary frightens her classmate with the mask and briefly locks her in a room alone, threatening to never return her doll if she tells their teacher about the incident. In the apartment, Rosemary takes the girl's communion veil and models it herself in a mirror. That evening at a house, a mother investigates a noise in the kitchen. Food, juice, glasses and dishes are thrown all over the floor. She is bludgeoned by what appears to be a small child wearing a red hooded raincoat with fur trim. As the volunteer's daughter watches from behind a door, small hands leaves bloodstains on the banisters. Rue and Collie are in pastel coats with hoods pick up wooden hammers and beat the daughter mercilessly to a gory death. These sisters were murderous monsters, but the four of them resembled the likes of a familiar woman by the name of Ophelia. Could these four girls be the daughters of Ophelia? Has Ophelia placed a curse upon the city of DWC? And if so, could Ophelia still be alive? When they are not killing; Rosemary and Pansy were the ones singing while Rue and Collie were spinning around dreamily and lost in their own world. The way they sing "Epiphany" from Sweeney Todd is quite pretty but also creepy, "They all deserve to die. Tell you why, Mrs. Lovett, tell you why. Because in all of the whole human race, Mrs Lovett, there are two kinds of men and only two....There's the one staying put in his proper place, And the one with his foot in the other one's face--Look at me, Mrs Lovett, look at you. Now we all deserve to die. Even you, Mrs. Lovett. Even I. Because the lives of the wicked should be made brief, For the rest of us death will be a relief--We all deserve to die.....And I'll never see Joanna, No I'll never hug my girl to me - finished!" Then, it became violent and bittersweet, "You sir, how about a shave? Come and visit your good friend Rosemary. You sir, too sir? Welcome to the grave. I will have vengeance. I will have salvation.....Gentlemen don't be shy! Not one man, no, nor ten men. Nor a hundred can assuage me - I will have you!....And my Lucy lies in ashes, And I'll never see my girl again. But the work waits! I'm alive at last! And I'm full of joy!" It was quite relaxing to see a vision of her sisters singing to these dark songs. The way she sang these songs, Rosemary sing parts that were enticing yet so passionate: "Insolent boy, this slave of fashion. Basking in your glory. Ignorant fool, this brave young suitor. Sharing in my triumph!" Pansy played the part of the innocent type so well, "Angel, I hear you. Speak, I listen. Stay by my side. Guide me. Angel, my soul was weak; forgive me. Enter at last, Master." And Rosemary played out the song again with much kindness, "Flattering child, you shall know me. See why in shadow I hide. Look at your face in the mirror. I am there inside." Sylver knew for a fact that this girl had a lovely soprano voice as she had been practicing this part for a long time, "Angel of music, guide and guardian, grant to me your glory. Angel of music, hide no longer. Come to me, strange Angel." Rosemary liked this part, this was the beckoning section, "I am your Angel of Music. Come to the angel of music...I am your Angel of Music. Come to the Angel of Music..." Sylver fell into a trance but she doesn't remember much and wants to find out how she got into a specific room. The way those two sang Music of the Night sounded nightmarish but also innocent sounding that made Sylver unsettled. Pansy sang one part: "Night time sharpens, heightens each sensation. Darkness stirs and wakes imagination, Silently the senses abandon their defenses. Slowly, gently, night unfurls its splendor. Grasp it, sense it, tremulous and tender. Turn your face away from the garish light of day, Turn your face away from cold, unfeeling light, And listen to the music of the night." And Catherine sang, "Let your mind start a journey through a strange, new world. Leave all thoughts of the world you knew before, Let your soul take you where you long to be!....Only then can you belong to me....Floating, falling, sweet intoxication. Touch me, trust me, savor each sensation. Let the dream begin, let your darker side give in, To the harmony which dreams alone can write....The power of the music of the night." Then there was a sound of eerie beauty to it: "Ahh, ah. Ah, ah. Ahhhhh!" And then, Rosemary sings the last part: "You alone can make my song take flight. Help me make the music of the night." The vision ends, as Sylver goes about her business. At night as she lied on her side of the bed, she could feel the comforting touch of some angel; she could hear the singing of the tune from Sweeney Todd's musical song titled "Not While I'm Around" to her to help her sleep. "Nothing's gonna harm you, not while I'm around, Nothing's gonna harm you, no sir, not while I'm around. Demons are prowling everywhere nowadays--I'll send them howling, I don't care, I got ways. No one's gonna hurt you, No one's gonna dare. Others can desert you, Not to worry, whistle, I'll be there! Demons'll charm you with a smile, for a while, But in time...Nothing can harm you...Not while I'm around..." This caused Sylver to fall asleep and woke up the next sunlight hours to a busy day. After that long day; Sylver came home and relaxed on her bed. She then heard a voice from above her room and there was a beautiful tune she knew from the musical, "Think of me...think of me fondly, when we've said goodbye. Remember me; once in a while please promise me you'll try. We never said our love was evergreen, or as unchanging as the sea. But if you can still remember, stop and think of me ...Think of all the things we've shared and seen -- don't think about the things which might have been ...Think of me, think of me waking, silent and resigned. Imagine me, trying too hard to put you from my mind. Recall those days, look back on all those times, think of the things we'll never do. There will never be a day, when I won't think of you ..." Sylver lied in her bed, too exhausted to move and was content to hear the singing voice. She didn't make a move as she was calmed from the voices. It was then Sylver fell asleep and then woke up to hear the singing from above. "One question haunts and hurts. Too much, too much to mention: Was I really seeking good? Or just seeking attention? Is that all good deeds are, When looked at with an ice-cold eye? If that's all good deeds are, Maybe that's the reason why...No good deed goes unpunished, All helpful urges should be circumvented. No good deed goes unpunished....Sure, I meant well -Well, look at what well-meant did: All right, enough - so be it...So be it, then: Let all DWC agreed, I'm wicked through and through. Since I can not succeed. Darling, saving you, I promise no good deed...Will I attempt to do again Ever again. No good deed...Will I do again!" Sylver wondered why the heck these voices were singing in harmonious yet ghostly monotones to songs from musicals. These amazing songs sounded creepy but pretty at the same time. Sylver gets up and gets a snack but then she heard voices of a woman and a girl. "Wandering child, So lost, so helpless, Yearning for my guidance." sang a woman's voice. Then, a young girl's voice sang back, "Angel or mother, Friend or phantom, Who is it there, staring?" The woman croons, "Have you forgotten your Angel?" At the same time, the girl's voice intoned, "Angel, oh, speak. What endless longings, Echo in this whisper!" The woman trilled, "Too long you've wandered in winter, Far from my mothering gaze..." The girl crooned also, Wildly my mind beats against you...Yet the soul obeys...Angel of Music, You denied me! Turning from true beauty! Angel of Music! Do not shun me! Come to me strange Angel..." And the woman hypnotized Sylver with the words, I am your Angel of Music...Come to me; Angel of Music...." Sylver dropped everything as she fell into a trance as she headed towards the room as she came across a woman and four girls in the room. As she came closer, she felt an embrace around her....When she looked up, she saw a black clad of young girls and a woman that screamed at her. Sylver freaked out as she backed away but she fainted. Later on, Sylver woke up with a gasp as she found she still in the kitchen while sleeping in a chair on the counter. She sighed; she realized it was a dream. The next day while working alone Sylver was singing softly to herself when she thought she heard someone was there and turned to see who it was. She saw four figures in the shadows of the auditorium! Sylver gasped and tries to inch closer but the voices of the girls said: "No, stay there. Don't be afraid, darling. We didn't mean to frighten you, we love to hear you sing and we could help you improve if you wish." One said. Sylver inched closer, "Really? Are you a musician?" She asked. "In a way, we'd be happy to be your guide. And we wish to remain anonymous." The voice of the girls said. Sylver smiled, "OK, I like that. I really do." She replied. And so it begins, Sylver was taught to improve the singing voice. "Once more, from the top Sylver dear." Rosemary commanded gently. Sylver sighed and she sang the hymn, "Come let us sing to the Lord; let us shout for joy to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving and raise a loud shout to him with pslams. For the Lord is a great God, and a great King above all gods." She sighed and looked at Rosemary, "How was that?" asked Sylver. Rosemary applauded and smiled, "Wonderful. You did good!" She replied. Sylver beamed, "Thanks to you. I give my great support." She said. Rosemary and Pansy laughed, they were touched by this and Sylver laughed with them too. That's when she took a break and talked to the girls. Later; Sylver sang a evensong paean: "Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, That saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now am found, Was blind, but now, I see. T'was Grace that taught...my heart to fear. And Grace, my fears relieved. How precious did that Grace appear...the hour I first believed."

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