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Justin just walked out of college he was rushing back to his dorm  as soon as the arrived he saw zaiden giggling while Louis tickled him it was cute site

"Daddy!!!!" Zaiden yelled running into Justin arms who hugged him

"Hey there zee" Justin says with a rare smile Louis smiled happy to his that his friend was smiling again

"Am guessing your back" Louis says while Justin nodded the smile still on his face

"I missed you daddy"

"I also missed you beebu how was your day"Justin asked

" it was great Louis took me out for ice cream and cookies after he picked me up from school"

"Louis don't make my child a sweet tooth"

"I uhhh didn't mean to " Louis says with a wink making Justin roll his eyes at him

"Whatever so you want to tell me about your day at school"

"Yes daddy at school Mrs scar let me answer questions....s  "zaiden blabbed while Justin made sure to hang on to every single word his son was says until Louis interrupted zaiden

"Uhhh am heading out to Harry's place he needs me so bye" Louis says quickly before darting out of the room with the speed of lightening Justin stared at the door wondering why he ran like that

"Uh huh and what happened at the ice cream place" Justin asked now sitting zaiden on the kitchen table as he started to prepare something for the both of them

"Then at the ice cream shop that your friend you always ignore came "

"Friend I always ignore who is that" Justin asked obviously confused

"The one with yellow hair ni he was so nice he gave us free ice cream"

"Hair can only be Blond not yellow" Justin corrected

"Wait did you say blond ni "

"Yes daddy"zaiden nodded

" oh Kay you can go do your homework"Justin says while putting zaiden down while the little boy ran into his and his fathers room

"Oh that's why he ran " justin growls


Louis made sure it was very late before he made his way to his and justin's shared apartment by the time he arrived it was 1am he knew they were at sleep he opened the apartment door with his own key he friend to enter as quietly as possible.

"Hello Louis"a voice scared Louis making him jump back he reached for the light switch he switched the light on


oh its you "Louis says nervously

" hell yes its me why did you allow niall near my baby I have told you I don't want him any close to myself or zaid"Justin says to calmly that made Louis anxiety rise

"I know and am sorry but niall is my friend and he is nice"Louis says

"I don't care if he is your friend don't tell him niall is my friend he is too stalkerish dont let him near zaid" Justin yelled

"Niall isn't a stalker he just likes you a lot and you know that one day you have to date someone"Louis states

"Well i definitely don't want to so shut up"Justin states

"But you know that even zayn wouldn't want you to hang on he would want you to move on" Louis says carelessly his eyes seemed to widen after he realised what he had said Justin eyes watered he glared at Louis

"Am sorry Justin I didnt-

" whatever its late i have early classes tomorrow so goodnight"Justin says

"Justin I didn't mean to- " Louis started to say but Justin just raised a his hand signaling that he didn't want to talk any More

Justin walked into his room with a frown only to smile at his little boy who slept as peacefully as his boyfriend had he stared at his son with a smile only for only for Louis worlds to rush back to him

"You know that even zayn  wouldn't want you to hang on he would want you to move on"

Justin got into bed the words ringing in his head he knew it was true but why wasn't he willing to move on what was keeping him back he didn't know but he really wanted to know.

He closed his eyes wishing to see zayn or anyone to give him only only to drift into a dreamless sleep.

Thanks for reading^.^

How to be gay |zustin mieber| (boyxboy)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang