9: The Garden of Eden

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The hulking airlock lifted open, a soft wave of teal washing over the bathysphere's wooden interior. We found ourselves staring into a squarish hall lined with pots of feathery ferns and drenched in ocean light. Glittering waterfalls poured from openings high on the grand stone walls. The room smelled of freshwater and sweet flowers.

Douglas hooked the unfinished metalwork over his shoulder and stood next to me hesitantly, as I held his hand to pull myself onto one foot. "Hate to stop here, but there's some things I need to get. I hope that's alright with you two?" he said.

"Well... I suppose so," I mumbled, meeting his eyes.

Eileen's face was aglow as she exclaimed, "That's a great idea! We can visit the Tea Garden, I'm sure Irvette would love that!" She winked at me, and I frowned in confusion.

"Oh come on..." Douglas said, but Eileen already took both my hands, leading me up the steps. He sighed and followed.

Coming to the top of the steps, he stopped next to a pillar to read the map on its face. Eileen and I made our way across the floor towards a shining metal entrance, fringed with vibrant green leaves.

"Oh love, you wouldn't believe it! That garden's the most beautiful thing in the whole city. Have you ever been to a tea garden? Oh, 'course you have, you're British. It's decorated with these pretty little flowers everywhere, and there's a stream that runs through it, you see?"

I wasn't listening very closely to her words. I was more focused on the way the little black stitches running through her cheek stretched with every syllable.

"We can sit next to the brook," she continued, glancing behind her to see where she was walking, "and eat pastries to some soft jazz. How about that?"

"Mhmm," I responded absent-mindedly. I really hope we leave soon, I thought.

Douglas spoke up, saying my thoughts aloud. "We don't have time for that. I'm sorry, but I don't need either of you getting killed over biscuits and tea, alright? This'll be just a quick trip."

She pouted. "C'mon hon, do you doubt me? We'll have fun without you, thank you very much!" she said victoriously.

"Sure thing," he muttered, picking up a cubical syringe and a violet box of cigarettes. He lit two and handed one to Eileen.

We passed under the engraved door as it lifted over our heads, revealing another smaller hall flanked by two fountains decorated with leaping whales. Over the next door a pair of bronze hands were mounted, gripping separate chains locked onto the wall. A thick red tapestry hung above with the words THE GREAT CHAIN IS GUIDED BY OUR HANDS embossed in withering gold type.

"Shh," Douglas hissed, drawing a pistol and stepping forwards. The smoking cigarette was gripped between his barred teeth. "Splicers out there."

"Wah wah okay cutie," Eileen whispered, pulling a knife from underneath her garter and elaborately wielding it in front of us.

Stepping through the doorway, we found ourselves in a marvellous cavern that smelled of roses. Reaching out from the grassy ground was a thick, grey tree, comprised of swirling knotted bark and emerald green leaves.

"What's the matter, Irv? You seem a little upset." Eileen looked at me curiously.

Suddenly I lost my train of thought. "Oh... oh, I'm fine," I sheepishly assured her, blinking. It was true. I just felt overwhelmed by walking into a real, living forest. I remembered seeing them in picture books and encyclopaediae, with brightly hued birds dancing on the tips of skeletal branches and furry lowlife writhing in the undergrowth. I never really understood the picture books and their fascination with the impossible, but seeing a bit of earthly beauty was something I'd die for.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2015 ⏰

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