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Sleet pounded the black and sliver tom's fur as he struggled on through the storm. A tiny she-kit clutched in his jaws.

"MoonLeap!" The red tabby she behind him panted  "The tom kit's missing!" 

"What?!" The tom turned, the light catching on the circular white mark on his face, horror pulsed through his gaze.  Last he checked, the tiny tom has been clutching to the red tabby she's tail. He struggled back towards her, checking back along the path, praying she was wrong. But she was right. The tiny red and black tom was gone without a trace. He turned back towards her. "We can't stop." He told her sadly. "If we do, the she kit will die." The tabby she nodded, sadness glowing from her gaze. They turned as one and struggled on.

Far behind them, two short-legged cats, a male and a female slunk through the bushes.

"I'm telling ya Mocha! I heard a kit yowling somewhere out in this creepy forest!" The female panted

The tom snorted. "Are you sure you aren't imagining things Rosemary?"

"Oh shaddup!" Rosemary shot back. She pricked her cream colored ears, she could hear the kit's yowling, much closer now. "This way!" She hollered galloping off. The tom rolled his yellow eyes and hurried after her. 

Rosemary stopped beneath an oak tree and started snuffling around. The kit's yowling was so loud she was sure it must be around here somewhere. She didn't have to look long. Huddled beneath a patch of purple Aster flowers, a young, red and black tom kit. its eyes still tightly closed yowled for its mother. Rosemary stared at it, her blue eyes wide. Behind her, Mocha tumbled through the bush, cursing and complaining about the number of thorns in his fur. 

"Mocha." Rosemary managed. "You better come see this."

"What now." Mocha started, coming over "Did you find a-" His eyes fell upon the kit, He gasped.

"A abandoned kit." Rosemary stated grimly. "If we leave it here it'll die for sure."  

"We better take it then.." Mocha murmured. "What shall we call him?" 

"Aster." Rosemary said, "Because that's where we found him. Beneath the aster flowers"

Mocha leaned down to sniff the kit, a horribly familiar scent brushed his nose. He looked up at Rosemary, his eyes wide.

"Wildcat" He whispered

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