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When I was three years old the dreams began. It was terrifying monsters would lock me in cages and pull my limbs apart , limb by limb slowly so it would hurt. I could feel them tearing me apart even though it's a dream.

I would draw pictures of the monsters in my dreams my parents acted like they were worried, but they didn't beleve the stories I told them even when I showed them my cuts and bruises. They still dont to this day they think I'm crazy. They should tell that to my mysterious cuts and bruises.

When I had awoken I seen bruises on my leg and arms. Somtimes I couldn't even walk to my door in the morning. My parents said it is just a dream but, why would I have bruises on body. This was not just a dream this was real very real to real.

In one I was slice into bits and in the morning I started bleeding. In some dreams I've even been put into flames slice by slice. In one a cyclopes riped out my eye and in the morning I had pink eye and I couldn't open my eye. These were not just dreams.

                * Present day *

Last nights dream was worse than the others it was like my worst nightmare. What ever your afraid of spiders, aliens, or even feet. However your afraid of dieing. This was worse so much worse they'd put me in a crazy house if I told a living soul. I'm not afraid to admit I have paranormal  activities happen to me but, this is somthing I shouldn't tell.

Even though I want to I shouldn't because if I don they will be watching me everywhere. They could be watching you now. I am afraid that if I get hurt to badly in one of my dreams I just might never ever dream again.

I sat at the table staring at my food wondering when they would really kill me. I sat quietly; my mom asked a question I have nothing to say to her. When it was time for me to go to bed, I sobbed a bit and watched tv to forget what was going on with me. When I fell asleep I dreamed of an unspeakable monster one so horrifying I dare not say.

I slowly open my eyes to the unspeakable monster cutting me all over. My parents rush in the room with a needel and injected the unspeakable monster. I quickly jump ou of my bed. "What's going on, and how did you know what to do", I say.

My father groans. "We didn't want to have to tell you but...". "Now", says my father. My mother stabs the needel into my arm. I fall unconscious, is this the first time I thought before falling asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2017 ⏰

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Unspeakable.                                              By: Joy BryantWhere stories live. Discover now