Short Story

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"Grandpa , I am going for a walk in the garden ! " called Willow.

" Oh alright , don't take too long .", her Grandfather yelled from the living room

She stepped outside savoring the warm fresh air , heading down the gravel path , her mind racing with thoughts of how they could possibly figure out their faery mystery. Although she and her Grandfather sent out request for help from their supporters , she had her doubts. She headed in the direction of the fairy trees as she liked to call them , with fruits that shone like gems in daylight , they called to her like nothing she'd ever felt before. Being careful to avoid roots that stuck up from the ground , she walked towards the dragon snaps that surrounded the area where the trees grew. Suddenly something wrapped around her leg causing her to fall front first towards the ground. Looking around her she saw the root of one the trees ease itself back to its spot , curiosity overcoming her fear , she treaded lightly towards the trees. The tree trunks began to morph into grotesque , pointy faces with milky white eyes . She stood stiff paralyzed in shock and awe of the sudden transformation until they spoke :

" Come forth child of  fae flesh and blood , at this moment your search is done , we hold the answer you fervently seek , it lies deep beneath our feet ."

" I don't quite understand what you mean. Are you saying that you know what happen to Westbury Faery or what happen to Phillip Ripton. Also what do you mean by fae ?", as soon as the words left Willow's mouth they shifted their trunks to look one another . They began to whisper among themselves and Willow caught fragments of their conversation.

"She isn't aware of her heritage .........................take her to the mir........................we have no choice , we were blood bound ......".

" I'm not aware of what , where are you trying to take me ? " 

" Child , you ask many questions. We are in no mood for your mortal inquisitivity . Quite frankly , we have been on task for centuries and are finally happy to finish our task."

" What was your task- uhh um I 'm sorry ."

" We were tasked with finding a female descendant of Grace Fiore  worthy  of the key to the Hall of Mirrors. Mirrors were originally made to be pathways into other worlds , but as civilization developed humans forgot its magic properties all together.  The Hall of Mirrors is  a hallway of all the last magic mirrors to the magic realms . That is where we now shall take you , there is someone who wishes to see you . Come and hold onto our branches, but close your eyes. Some of the things you might see are imperceivable  to the human eye & could cause you to go blind . "

Following their instructions silently , she closed her eyes bracing herself for the worst. All of a sudden she felt as if she was being ripped apart and suffocated at the same time. Finally a cool sense of relief filled her bones as she sunk to the ground struggling to breathe . She could hear the trees laughing at her lack of breath , though they sounded different . She sat up taking a good look at her surroundings and gasped in awe. All around her millions of miniature lights floated around her , everything seem to pulse with its own light making Earth's greatest treasures look bland in comparison. Pixies fluttered from tree to tree , their ethereal shine surpassing anything she could put into words. Even the trees looked different , instead of heavy trunks and jagged bark their bodies transformed into smooth , mocha colored human-like bodies . They seemed to be in a good mood and introduced themselves as wood nymphs Quincy and Pomme  She stood , feeling as if could she gaze contently at the forests beauty forever .  

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