Chapter 2

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After the meet and greet at school, Liv pulled me into the girls bathroom and looked at my arm. She spent a good two minutes ranting about how adorable it was, and finally started to calm down. Noticing the time, I tell her that we should hurry up if we want to catch the bus.

Running down the halls I realize that no other students are here. I look up at Liv and she gives me the same panicked look. Since no one was here we knew that the bus already left without us. She gives me a shrug and says:

"I guess we could start walking."

By 3:40 we made it to the first floor of our school, we were both running so fast that when I saw someone coming I nearly tipped over from stopping so hard. Correction, I actually DID tip over when I saw this person, but they caught me.

"Rushing much?"

Oh my gosh, I am talking to THE Shawn Mendes right now! I'm so stupid,I talked to him earlier! Before he gets too weirded out I answer:

"We were just trying to catch the next bus home. Sorry for bumping into you like that."

"It's fine, really, and if you need a ride that much I can just take you."

I'm pretty sure that diner guy said the exact same thing, but then again it's not really an uncommon phrase. Before I could answer again Liv said:

"That's too much to ask of you, but the offer is very appreciated."

With that, she pulls me around and is about to leave when I turn my head and see Shawn mouth the words:

"I'll call you."



 I told Liv what happened on the walk home and a look of terror crept over  her face.

"But I thought he gave you his number, and that you never gave him yours."

"I didn't, trust me."

I took out my cracked phone and clicked it on. A message pops up on the screen and it's from an unknown number. It says:

Hey Sofi, it's Benito from the diner 

Wait, his name is Benito? I was pretty sure when we talked that he said his initials were S.M.  

Confused, I answer with:

Hey what's up???

This alone earned me a barrage of cuts on both my thumbs. As if reading my mind, Benito answers:

I was just thinking about going to the apple store or something to get you a new phone because I kinda broke yours

At that moment texting him was my main priority, not getting home.

Oh you really don't have to -Sofi

I want to though -Benito

Ok well where do you want to meet? -Sofi


  Liv, being the awesome person that I call my best friend, is standing there  laughing at her phone I hit the pole. I give her my most serious glare, but it was ruined by the sound of my own laughter.

  Wanting to see if the impact left a mark on me, I grab her phone and go into the camera. To my horror, there was a fairly big lump on my temple. I look back up at Liv and she breaks into another fit of giggles.


  We finally reach her house so I wave Liv goodbye. Then, I check my phone and see that I have a message from Benito:

I could pick you up if you want -Benito

  On the corner of my street I start jumping because I mean, the only way for him to pick me up is to come to my house, and if I ask him at the right time we might be able to hang out. Once I stop jumping, I see someone watching me from across the road. Ugh, it's Brian. Rolling my eyes, I walk down the block to my house. I unlock the door and look in one of the mirrors.Oh crap, I look terrible!  I practically run up the steps and throw open my bedroom door. 

  I cover up the redness on my forehead then lightly re-apply my makeup. I slick my hair into a tight bun, and trade my sweater for a baggy shirt with the "Flash" symbol on it. I text Benito my address and he says he'll be there in 5 which makes me really grateful that I changed before I texted him.

  Since I have a little bit of time left, I turn on the tv and start watching one of those house renovation shows. Right before the big house reveal I hear someone knocking at my door. I look through the peephole and open it.

"Hey Sofi, are you ready?"

"Yep,I just need a second to turn this off." I tell him, pointing to the brightly lit screen.

  When I say that Benito looks at the screen and says "I thought I was insane for watching those shows, I'm really surprised that you watch them too." Speaking what's on my mind, I  basically state that everyone in my family likes the channel HGTV aside from my little sister. Realizing that I'm probably holding him up, I make sure everything in my house is off and tell him"I'm ready when you are."

Benito chuckles and says"Great! Let's get going then Sof!" He walks out the house and starts up the car, I laugh back and make sure my house is locked. When I turn around, I see that he has the passenger door open. He makes a grand gesture with his arm and jokingly says "Ladies first".  I hide my beet red face with my hands and hop in the car. Once he's in too, I'm more composed, and thank him for what he just did for me and for everything else like the car ride, opening the door for me, the new phone, coming to pick me up, taking me to school....literally everything.

He just shrugs it off by saying "It's nothing, really." Unconvinced, I notice that we made it to the mall. As soon as Benito parks, we both jump out the car. 

Starting to sprint I yell behind myself "Race you to that pole!!"

I was right about to touch the finish point and declare my victory, when Benito wraps his arms around my waist, gently picking me up, puts me down in the opposite direction and taps the pole. The moment I turn back around he pulls me close to him and smugly says:"I won."

I just stood there like an idiot for what I thought was about half an hour. I'm taken out of my trance when he grabs my hand and takes me into the store.

HEY GUYS!!! It's been such a long time! I just recently saw Shawn in concert and cried for at least half of it. I'm really sorry that this chapter is SUPER LATE and SUPER SHORT but I REALLY wanted to get something out for you. Vote, Comment, and Share this story please it wouod mean the world to me!! THANK YOU SEE YOU ALL IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!!!!! BYE!!!


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