It begins

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It began many centuries before the adventure of Hau Yoshika and Baron Humbert von Gigikken.

It was during the reign of the tenth Cat King, who went by Pharo. His adviser and top magician, Mightest, was in a rush to his king who was looking over the kingdom from his study. His paws behind his back as he gazed at the ever sunny noon light. 

"Your Highness!"

Pharo turned to the entrance of his study. "Mightest, my old friend. You should be more careful with your rushing! You'll run yourself into an earlier grave at this rate!" Pharo wasn't a young cat, but neither was he decrepit. His once jet-black fur was slowly turning into a soft gray. His eyes were the only sign of his royal blood. Them being red and blue. The crown he usually wore was sitting on his desk, Pharo took any chance he could to not wear the blasted thing. It gave him horrible blisters under it.

Mightest was a siamese cat and wore clothing from his birth land. It was a green china shirt with black hemming and in gold-thread, a fierce dragon was embellished onto it. 

Unusually jade green eyes started back at the king with an exasperated looked. "As much as it does my heart to know you care, Pharo, I must speak to the king, not my friend."

with a sigh, Pharo picked up his purple gem crown. and set it between his ears. "Very well Mightest. You may speak."

The siamese closed his eyes. "I have grave news, my king. The Kingdom's walls are deteriorating." 

The king's eyes grew sharp. "How long?"

"At the rate, the walls are collapsing, we have maybe five centuries," Mightest replied.

Pharo looked back at the kingdom. "How soon can you get an exploration group ready?" 

The siamese thought for a moment. "I can have a group ready by the end of the week."

Pharo looked to his friend. "What can we do to prolong the collapse?"

"We stop some, if not all travel between worlds. A fixed doorway was never created. So it has put extreme strain on the dimensions walls." Stated Mightest.

"Might...I want you to go with them." 

The adviser snapped to look at his king and best friend. "What?"

Pharo still didn't look at his friend. "You're our best magician, you're my right-hand cat. You'd know what I'd look for in a new home for our people. To top that off you would be able to shield our new home from the prying eyes of others."

Mightest didn't know what to say. "Is this from my king? Or Pharo speaking?" he finally asked.

The feline Monarch turned to face the cat. "One of the few time in my 9 lives, it is both asking you to."

With a saddened sigh, Mightest gave a nod. "Very well. If I'm to leave as well, I must make the proper arrangements."

"Take all the time you need my friend, I myself must do the same for my predecessors." The king replied.

Mightest took his leave and Pharo went to see his beloved Queen Nyx.


It didn't take lone to find his wife and his son, Prince Tolio. Nyx was a blue-gray tabby with purple eyes and their son to greatly after her, thought he had the royal eyes.

"Papa!" Cried the kitten as he pounced onto his father.

This made Pharo chuckle. "That was a most masterful pounce, my son! A sign that you'll be a great ruler one day!"

Tolio groaned. "Papa!"

The older male cat simply laughed and looked to his wife. "Tolio, why don't you go play? I need to speak with your mother about something."

"Okay, Papa!" The kitten scampered off into the garden chasing butterflies.

Nyx looked to her husband in concern. "Dearest?" 

Pharo seemed to age before her eyes as he sighed. "I have been given some very dark news..."

"Artemis isn't trying for the throne again is he?" the tabby asked.

Pharo chuckled. "No my love, Artemis is happy enough with his new wife and has no desire for the responsibilities of wearing this blasted crown."

Nyx leaned into her husband's side. "Then what?"

"Mightest had told me that the walls are crumbling."

"What?" Nyx cried. It couldn't be true. The knowledge for the Wall's construction had been lost during the great move.

"We have time to look for a new home, but in order to do it right. We must start looking now. " He sighed. "Mightest will be going with the exploration team by weeks end." 

Nyx now understood her husband's mood. He was going to miss his old friend.

"We'll all miss Mightest, Dearest. But he will contact you when he has found a perfect place to transport the kingdom." His queen stated. 

"I knew you would make a perfect queen." The king chuckled. "Though all transport between kingdoms is to be stopped. Also, I'm going to stop using magic to store up the needed amount for when the Kingdom is to be moved." 

"That is a wondrous idea! I shall do the same, that way twice as much Magic can be stored into the crown." Added Queen Nyx.

Now all they had to do was wait...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2017 ⏰

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