Chapter 45

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ALLIE POV: They brought Dad back into our room a few hours ago, and they begin to talk about his condition.

"We were able to patch up some things, but you have to understand that Tim is very sick. We don't think he's going to last long." I hear the doctor conclude. I look back into the room at him sleeping. He definitely looks sick. They haven't even told him about it yet. He's been sleeping 23 out of the 24 hours in a day now.

"How long do you think he has?" Gracie asks the doctors. She holds Audrey and Maggie's hand, as Audrey wraps her arm around me. They all drove to come see him after Claire left. 

"Maybe a few weeks, or months. I can safely say no longer than 3 months." The doctor says, looking at me. I don't even have to look at her to tell that she's staring right at me. 

"Alright. How soon can he go home?" Gracie asks.

"By Friday." The doctor say. Gracie nods, and says thank you as the doctor walks away. Gracie reaches over to hug me, but I retreat back into Dad's room before she can. 

"Hey baby" Dad says. I smile. I sit down in a chair next to the bed, and hold his hand. He smiles. I want to tell him so bad, I just don't know when would be the right time.


"What honey?" He says, letting out a little cough.

"I have to tell you something."

"Well, then spit it out Al." He says laughing. His smile turns to a stiff frown, as he see's tears fall from my eyes.

"Dad, you have cancer."

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