Your cool

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You were out side for gym attacking Karasuma with everyone else you went to attack from the back then he slightly froze and elbowed you in the jaw and you fell to the floor you held your jaw while look in up

You: ow

You flip up and flip your head while rubbing your jaw

Nagisa: Y/n-chan are you ok!?

You: fine jaw could be worse

Kayano: you should keep your eye on the target you would have saw it coming

You: no need to lecture mom

Karasuma: sorry gave me a shock for a minute

You: it's good

She giggled then helped you up then Shiro came up with a real knife in his hand

Shiro: Karasuma I would like a challenge with these students

Karasuma: what kind of challenge?

Shiro: one of these kids has to get a knife close enough to win I won't use anything but I will dodge and at least lay a bit on them

Karasuma: what is this for!?

Shiro: just a test

You whisper to Kayano

You: who's the creepy guy in the robe?

Kayano: that's Shiro Itona used to work with him helping him try to kill Korosensie he's really skilled

Karasuma: a test for what?

Shiro: you'll see

He tosses a knife at his feet and looks at us

Karasuma: ok then

He looked around and stopped his head right at you

Karasuma: Y/n

You: me?

You walk up to him and he hold out  the knife

Karasuma: I saw something when you tried to attack something similar with Nagisa-kun I think you should go

You: why me? I mean I just got here yesterday

Ryoma: yeah why her?

Tomohito: are you trying to kill her!?

Karasuma: if your uncomfortable you don't have to I'm not forcing my students into something like this

You slowly grab the knife making everyone shocked you look at the knife and see your e/c eye staring back you put the knife in your mouth and walk up to Shiro stretching your arms

Shiro: this chopstick!? I thought you make this a bit hard

You get in a fighting stance with the knife in hand he gets in a fighting stance and you both sit in silence

You:[ maybe I can use my secret move]

You sit on the ground and place the knife in your lap making him confused he stares at you intensely as the wind blows your hair you place your forehead on the ground making him smirk

Shiro: what are you doing?

You: go ahead attack me your gonna win no matter how hard I try

The class stared at you in shock Shiro ran up to you he was about to dropkick your head but you backflip kicking him in the jaw

Shiro: how in the!- 

You run up to him and fly the knife up almost cutting his neck as he dodge and lost his balance

You: I'll help you down!!

You grab him and the next thing you know your covering his eyes sitting right behind him with the knife at his throat the whole classed gasped at how you did that so easily

You: looks like I win

Karasuma: [ I knew it that's why I got the chill from her earlier  ]

You push the knife closer to his neck but then pull away

You: wait was I supposed to use the back of the knife?

Korosensie grabbed the knife and ate it then pulled you away from a paralysed Shiro the hole class ran up to you

Yukiko: you really made him think you were giving up that was so cool

Kayano came up and smacked you

You: what was that for!?

Kayano: what? I'm just checking if that's the real you im looking at cause the Y/n I know never gives up

Nagisa: your pretty cool Y/ n

you both blush and smile at eachother

Korosensie: ok class tomorrow we are going to a class trip to Hawaii oh isn't that's exciting

You: cool a reason not to be home

Kayano: Y/n I already packed for something like this I'm going to your house I'll help you out

You: ok I can't wait

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