Can I, ugh

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Why, why...

Someone is taking that from me, no not the people that I live with, a sigular perso at shool is taking that from me, can you guess where it's from?  JAPAN, I HAVE A SPECIAL CONNECTION WITH IT BECAUSE MY COUSIN GOT IT SPECIFICLY FOR ME WHEN THEY WE...

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Someone is taking that from me, no not the people that I live with, a sigular perso at shool is taking that from me, can you guess where it's from?  JAPAN, I HAVE A SPECIAL CONNECTION WITH IT BECAUSE MY COUSIN GOT IT SPECIFICLY FOR ME WHEN THEY WENT TO JAPAN.  But, it's gone, just like that, and I don't want to hurt them because it's a girl, and I'm trying to be nice.  They took my good luck charm, my only good luck charm, it's carried with me, so I can be ok, I sleep with it(so embarassing) beause it's my good luck charm and it calms me down, but I don't have that to calm me down now, let's see how far my hole is going to be dug!  First off, I only use it at home, I don't care about it, but I at least need a reputation of a teenager, i want to use it at school, but people will make fun of me, and crap.  I used it, only in front of a small group of people, and they were laughing, but it was because I had my hair so it was tied with Pichu.  My only good luck charm, and I'm not bringing my other Pichu, my Pichus are too valuable.  It's just, I, I, I really... need my Pichu, but I can't hurt a girl, I just can't, I'm too kind to hurt a girl.  I wish I weren't kind, ad just straight up savage and a complete, uhh, jerk, I guess, to everyone, but I can't as much as I want to, as much as I try.  I'm too naive and people are taking advantage of me being a strong naive person, it's annoying and I want them to get them in line and straighten them up, but will I?  No, because I'm too naive!  Ugh!  I wat to be kind, but if I'm kind, I carry that on to most people, if I'm a complete jerk, I will be a complete jerk to everyone.  So, here are my choices:

Be a punching bag


Never be close to anyone's friend/have any friends and be a bully

Not many choices, but I have to be either or, and I can't be both, why?  I'M TOO NAIVE OR I'M TOO MUCH OF A JERK!  I honestly want to be with the people that I hangout with, but I'm still being a punching bag.  Either I'm going to be going to the office a lot, or people will be taking my stuff a lot, or just being a jerk to me.

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