Any technology wizards out there?

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i hate the fact that i had to get the most bootleg tablet ever for christmas! like df is a dopo? this is what happens when your parents ask which kind and you go i dont know. but then again i did tell her i wanted one of the big kindle fires yuh know the what is it 13" one.....i mean i aint even had the fucker for more than 5 months and the worst thing of all is it was fine two days ago untill it died and wouldnt turn back on. then i broke the charger so i get one yesterday charge it and it goes to the home screen and then shuts of  it does this like five times at this point im like fuck this im goin to sleep. fuck you you you you and you. but its still doin the same damn thing. do anyone knw what to do cuz at this point my momma just gonna take it to ups for it to get shipped in and i get a knew one in acouple weeks. which is bound to happen butttt......if anyone can help and i mean anyone plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz help!

Fuck this im mad

The Original Misfit Kumori~

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