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Chapter 4 Hunters POV.... So u now my best friend Johnnny? I say to Mariah. YES i do says Mariah. Whst about him . Well his brother called me 3 times last night. Well call him back , says Mariah . I am, i say . Hello i say. Why did u call me 3 times last night . O ok . Ya ill be there soon k bye. Alright get the baby bag we gotta go . Wait whats going on says Mariah . Just get ready ill explain in the car . She gives me Hunter and runs upstairs . I get the boys in the car and i yell lets go hun ! 

Chapter 4 cont Mariahs POV.... I run to our room and throw on sweats and put my hair in a messy bun. I  hear from downstairs Hunter is scared . O God , i mumble it probably is something bad. I grab my phone and the baby bag and throw on my boots . I dash downstairs. Hunter is already in the car . I get in the pasenger seat he closes the door . Whats going on i say . Hunt looks at me and shakes his head . Johnny got hurt last night like really hurt . he says. How . his car fell into a freezing lake with him in it and it took 6 hours to get him out . He had a concussion, most of his bones are really broken and they dint no what else but its bad . OMG hunt. I hold his hand you could tell he was scared . When we pulled up he jumped out and i get out and tell him to go in ill get the boys . He runs inside. I grab the boys . Thankfully they r both content. I run in .  SINCE THAT CHAPTER IS SHORT HERE IS CHAPTER 5 ! 

Chapter 5 Mariahs POV .... I walk into the hospital with 1 of the boys in each arm. I look around and i cant find Hunter anywhere . I go to the front desk . What room is Johnny gwenton in , i ask . 47B says the nurse . I run to an elavator .  I call Hunt and he didnt answer . I run down the hallway and find 47b  I look around the waiting room and i find Hunt .Hunt why arent  in there ? The doctor isnt letting anyone in . He says. Well do u no anything? No he says starting to cry . I rush to his side . Its ok . I hug him . Im gonna call mom andtell her to come get the boys .

Chapter 5 cont. Hunters POV.... Bye boys see u later i say crying . If u need anything . Just call , says Mom. The doctor comes out and i stand up . Mariah follows me . Hes looking pretty bad he says. Weve already had to do CPR twice  , says the doc. Theres not much we can do . I sit down . I cry harder . We r gonna keep him for a few days and hope for a miracle . The doc leaves .Mariah sits down. And grabs my hand. Its gonna be ok , she says , Hes gonna get better. I sure hope so . She lays her head on my chest . I keep crying. I try to stop cuz i dont want her to get wet. Its ok she says. Its just tears it comes out. I laugh. We sit in the waiting room for hours doing nothing ...

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