Please, Please Save me

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Jay POV 

I woke up and all I saw was darkness. " Where am I?" I wipsered to myself. I tryed to get but I chained down. "Your finally wake" said a unknow voice. I looked around trying to find the voice.  A light turned on, I immediately started looking for the person. I saw a girl, she had red hair.. wait I know her Skylor. She walked up to me and said "I was hoping to get the other little one but you will do". She put her fingers on the chin making me look at her. I started to feel every uncomfortable, I want out. "We're going to have some fun" she said starting to touch my chest. I started to cry, please please save me guys.


I ran after the mysterious figure with Jay. I tured the corner and they were gone. Oh no! I ran back to our room. I open the door and yelled "Jay been taken by a mysterious figure!". The other woke up or looked up. Nya got up and said "What do you mean?". I took a deep breath, trying to claim down. "Jay ran out of this room, then I went after him, then someone took him, I chased after him, then he was gone" I said. I saw Nya started to cry, I went over to her and hugged her. Cole got down from his bed, he leaned against the wall thinking of something. Zane was covering his face, hiding that he was crying. I looked over at Lloyd, Ash was trying to comforting him. Ash looked over at me and are eyes met. He picked up Lloyd and walked over to me. I put Lloyd on my hip and hug him. "Kai why is are family felling part?" He asked laying his head on my shoulder. Nya touched Lloyd's back, saying "don't we worry we're going to be whole again". Zane, Cole and even Ash joined the hug. We let go and then I said "let's go get your brother back!". " YYYYYEEEEEAAAAAYYYYY!!!". 

Jay POV 

I was now naked, laying on the floor. I feel so violated. My leg hurts, I'm pretty sure it's broken, it probably is so I wouldn't run away. I started to hear stomping coming down some stairs. No she coming. "Please no more" I said rounding myself, so I was facing the wall. She was now stood over me and said "oh I'm just going to torture you now". I saw a knife in her hand. She put it  in my side. I screamed in pain, as I watched the blood come out. She left the knife in my side, I didn't have strength to pull it out. "That just the beginning" she said grabbing other knife.

Cole POV

We woke up Wu and he was driving us around to help find Jay. Me, and Nya were in Wu' s car. Kai, Lloyd and Ash were in Zane' s. They were searching one part we were searching the other. I saw a old building, "Wu stop here, let look in there". He stopped the car. I got out my flashlight and then helped Nya out of the car. We started to look thought the ruins. We tured in are  flashlights. "Ok you look over down here I will look upstairs" I told her as I started to go upstairs. I looked through every room. "Cole come look at this" Nya yelled from downstairs. I ran down and to her. She was pointing her flashlight at a trap door. I opened it and saw Skylor and Jay, crying. I shut it and picked up my phone and called Kai "hey Kai come here we found him". "Ok we're coming" he said hanging up the phone. I open the trap door and we headed in. Skylor looked at us and started to run to us. I was able to block her and hit her to the ground. Nya hit her with water knocking her out. I ran over to Jay, there was knife in his side. I pulled it out, he whimpered a little, then broke his chains. "Cole is that you?" He said as I picked him up. I nodded and then he touched my cheek. Nya came over to help with Jay. I handed Jay to her. I took off my shirt and wrapped it around Jay's waist. I took him back and we walked out. The others were outside. They saw Jay and ran up to us. Zane was the first to speak "What happened?". I looked down at Jay he was crying. I said "I don't know but I think it had something to do with rape". I held him close. He whimpered, and grabbed his leg. "What's wrong" I said kneeling down. "My-my leg is broken-n" he cried grabbing at my chest. Zane ran to his car, grabbed a medical kit. "Kai hold up Jay' s leg" he told Kai as he sat next to me. Kai grabbed Jay' s leg and said "sorry if this hurts". Kai moved Jay' s leg up and Jay screamed. Lloyd started to cry in Ash' s arms. Nya grabbed Lloyd, comforting him. Zane finished wrapping medical tape around Jay's leg. "There know let's get home we go" he said picking some stuff. Kai got up, grabbed Lloyd and put his arm around Ash. Zane was telling  Wu what happened. Nya was talking to Jay comforting him. He was snuggled in to my chest. "Cole thank you for saving me, she was so me mean and I feel so violated" Jay said as I got up and headed for the car. Nya also got up and said to Jay "Jay if you ever want to talk about it, I'm here for you". He nodded at her, giving a weak smile. We got in to Wu' s car and the others got in Zane' s. I sat Jay next to me and Nya was in passenger. Jay was leaning against my arm. After a little bit, Jay and Nya was asleep. Jay was hugging my arm, his face was snuggled into my arm. I gave him a kiss on the forehead and said "Goodnight lil bear". 

Skylor POV

I woke up, I cover in water. I looked around, the boy was gone. "You think, you guys will ever get way, you will never get way until Kai is mine".

Yeah he's saved!!!!!!

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