Missed chance

7 0 0

"That's weird.." I checked my wrist, the clock had just hit the 30 second mark but I looked around and there was no one there. I was a worrisome guy overall but I felt justified. I mean, today was the day I was meeting my soulmate. Not that I expected my dream girl to be in the storage at work but still..I was nervous.

Walking back with a box my boss requested, I walked back to my cash register and set it on the shelf. My wrist hit the 20 second mark

19 seconds

18 seconds

Where was she? I couldn't help but get worried that an error would pop up or that she was gone and the timer would run out with no response. I panicked. I'd change my own fate if I had to. Running out of time, I hurried through the back door. There was a park outside and maybe I was supposed to be there to meet my soul mate.

10 seconds

9 seconds

A faint ding of the door bell hit my ear. Wait, was that it?? She was here! I turned around, running back to the counter. "Don't worry! I'm just in the back!"

I ran out, looking at my wrist as it hit zero. Out of breath. "Hi, I'm Matt!" Sticking my hand out for a handshake, it was met by a firm hand. Meeting my soulmates eyes for the first time.

"I'm Steven" the man gave a smile. "It's nice to meet you"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2017 ⏰

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