Chapter 28: Checking out the damages: Bōkun: May 20, 4997

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  The alarm I had specifically for Drent's escape was blaring when I was just watching some old movies. Over the intercom, "the person who sounded this alarm please come to the south side of my manor for debriefing, otherwise, I need an electrician please." I look out the North window to see Drent missing and no guards around them either. I go back to the intercom, "Savior Genesis you get your ass up here too. Let's go! "
I get out to the balcony and see a janitor standing at attention with his mop. I leap down to him, "bowman. What is your rank? It does not appear to be on your uniform. "
"I am E13 master chief. Sometime last year they stopped requiring night shift to wear their ranks. As a culture that's not how we operate."
"I'm the warden and I say it's still required. After I dismiss you, spread that word."
"yes sir-Bōkun Bōkun, your name is Bōkun and you will be addressed as such."
I give him a light slap "very good, now tell me what you saw that made you go for that alarm instead of the intruder alarm. "I look up "Savior Genesis please walk on up, join this conversation, you're just getting to the good part, he'll even wait for you. "
Genesis, "hello Bowman, Bōkun. I'm guessing that because of the alarms I'm not here because I'm getting a promotion. What's wrong? "
Bowman says, "so I was doing my rounds on Thursday evening, the very beginning of my route, I mop up here. I have a different route every day. That cage up there has been full for weeks. But today it's empty, and with no guards, I thought maybe the prisoner was moved. But then I saw a pile of dead bodies and so I raised the alarm."
"Very well Bowman. Go ahead and call up a coroner. Get those bodies taken care of. Dismissed."
"The four dead bodies they are my men aren't they. "
"as a matter of fact, yes, yes they are, you were an excellent infantry unit and you put yourself through the tactical training to get yourself the office and the job. All light infantry, all 18,000 are your responsibility. And now we need to find out if he killed any others yet. Go check on the others who were guarding him, he obviously didn't like them very much. "
"Before I go. may I speak freely? "
"speak professionally you always speak freely here. We are the Illinois Nation. "
"Well, I've been thinking maybe it's just your genetics that are out of commission. Yes, you do create fucking geniuses, I was neutered after my second and third kids were retarded, the first one died from SIDS. But Drent is a fucking lunatic that has decided that everyone is the enemy. And Dorian might have worked if you didn't piss him off by banishing him for pretending to be the son you liked better. Dorian followed orders very well. And I basically trained him myself, we are fucked if he remembers everything with him being at war with us he can conquer us simply by taking your life and claiming us his property. Doesn't that scares you at all?"
"ok you spoke professionally and now I will do the same. In my professional opinion based on my 27 years' experience, kindly pull down your pants and with your sword that you got for your 15 rank promotion and GO FUCK YOURSELF! Get to work you're dismissed, Savior. Actually, on second thought this is my son I'll go with you. To check on your other men."
We start walking towards the barracks from my manor and a soldier has his line if sight on Savior Genius don't even know if he saw me. He walks straight up to us and he sees me and starts to address me.
"Bōkun if you are done with Savior Genesis here, I need him, myself and 4 others were told to go get him looking everywhere for him, we are to return in one hour if we couldn't find him. But here he is, may I follow my orders and take him with me please?"
"how long has it been? "
"seven minutes. "
"oh shit, I'm not waiting that long for your little buddies young private. You two wait right here. "I teleport to the office in my manor and over the intercom, "if you were told to go find Savior Genesis please go back to the night barracks he's been found." I teleport back to the two soldiers and start walking to night barracks with them. During my walk "PFC Knowl"
"yes Bōkun "
"you're disobeying an order"
"How so sir?"
"well, the sir thing I'm going to roll off my shoulders, this time. And over the intercom, I told you to go back to the barracks. "
"well, this is the way, isn't it. "
"oh dammit, why are you so fucking stupid? "
"I was born with my umbilical cord wrapped around my neck. And I was trying to pull it tighter when I was trying to get it off myself. That's if I remember the story correctly from Major General Rocha."
"if you're not in the formation by the time we get there I'm going to tie your intestine around your neck and chop off your balls so you are the last bit of stupid in your family!" He sprints down the hall terrified.
We finally get to the opening with the barracks and the alarm finally stops. And the artificial sun is coming over the horizon for the night shift floor. I hear from afar.
"At ease Bōkun on deck."
Each of the five barracks is represented by a ranking soldier. Each of them come to me "what assignment are we doing tonight Bōkun? "
"What? I can't come say hello to my soldiers?"
He looks puzzled at me, "you haven't been here for six years and that was an inspection."
"you caught me, Savior "What I need is to know where the other four guards for my son are, their lives are in danger."
An alto behind him raises his hand. "yes alto Jackson, you have something to say."
"Bōkun I'm the new ranking soldier in my barracks and most of the soldiers that were guarding Drent outranked me. I'm going to guess they were in my barracks."
"Alright soldier lead the way, find a way to figure out who is missing in your ranks. "he begins to count them one by one walking through the line.
"I don't have time for this shit. Alto Jackson get in your spot for formation." I wait for him. "Ok get in front of your door to your room I will be doing a visual inspection for things out of place. This is not for drugs or contraband, if you have those then get rid of them out the windows this is an amnesty day no trouble for anyone as long as you follow orders and you are not hiding Drent. You have five minutes because I'm not trying to get anyone in trouble, I'm really not. If someone figures out why I'm here send your floor's ranking soldier. But if I have to ask questions everyone us fucked. "
A random soldier raises their hand for a question, "if we are to discover something would you like us to do a short investigation? Is that what I'm understanding? If so I would like the time elongated to 10 minutes instead of five. "
"yes! Finally! Someone who speaks my language! Give that man a cookie! I'll give you guys as much time as you need if all I have to do is stand here and look manly. Go, go get to work. "
All the men run back in minutes pass me and Genesis are just chatting about anything that comes to mind. Another window opens up but it gets Genesis's attention because stuff doesn't come pouring out if this window, smoke does.
Genesis points indicating for me to look. A soldier has his head out the window. "We are conducting an investigation in this room. "
"What room are you in?"
Another window opens up. "I'm starting an investigation across the hall, this is my room I'm currently in, though."
"what room are you investigating?"
On the floor above another window opens, he's yelling but I can't hear him I teleport to him, "what did you say soldier, I couldn't hear you." He screams like a girl so I squeeze his throat until he is not startled by me. "before you screamed what did you say? "
Catching his breath, "I was requesting the presence of yourself and Savior Genesis, I think I completed my investigation. But much of it is still a mystery I was hoping maybe you or he could shed some light. "
"no problem let me get him real quick " I teleport from the window sill to Savior Genesis to right behind the soldier who screams again so I give him a reason to scream by whipping him out the window as hard as I can. I turn around, "you're the roommate, aren't you? "
"yes sir "
"were you with him during the investigation?"
"yes sir!"
"do I seem annoyed to you? "
"no, sir!
I pick him up by the throat and whip him out the same window and I yell at him "if you come back and haven't figured out why I did that to you, next time I'm just shooting you in the femurs then throwing you". I look at the other soldier and teleport to him really quick and right before he hits the concrete I teleport him back to his room. "Savior Genesis."
"yes Bōkun."
"do we have a night shift GOC unit?"
"we do not, things are very peaceful at night we don't usually need it we just bunk up the gay guys together and I think in Bunker Hall and Julius Hall we have entire wings that are gay guys. Why are you asking?"
"well you kinda focused on the wrong thing, this Sergeant is a pussy, he scares easy and it annoys me. Tell me, sergeant, "what is your job?"
"portioning food for the cooks and kitchen inventory "
"wow, you really do have a job for a pussy. Let's go see what you found, get off the floor. By the way. You might be the reason I create a night shift G.O.C. unit. Congratulations Chief shitbag."
He leads us to the CQ station where the guard on duty is a day soldier looking over the night crew while they sleep. Riddled with wounds like someone was using a ray gun but kept missing him, his stomach looked like it had old wounds from being partially eaten by a Virginian. But he was also riddled with fresh bullet wounds that weren't bleeding even though they were very fresh. "As far as I can tell Bōkun the radiation burns are an old injury still healing. His stomach I have no idea about. And when you stick your finger in the bullet wounds you damage them like the tissue is still alive. But the weirdest thing I found is this black liquid leaking out of his nose, it looks like blood but it doesn't act like dried blood. Notice how when I put some on my finger it slowly starts moving up my arm. Can you please hand me a plastic bag and a napkin?"
I hand it to him, he starts to clean himself off. "this is actually pretty cool but this does only leave more questions, you did good Sargent Shitbag."
I hear from down the hall, "Savior Genesis, please come see this? "
he yells back, "moving. "then he turns to me, "you ready to see this or you gonna wait here? "
"what the fuck do you think this is, I'm going with you."
We walk into that room to find a soldier ripped to shreds with no evidence of blood anywhere but body pieces everywhere. And another soldier both of them holding their left hand together but with one soldier it only goes to half of their arm. In the one soldier, you can't see why he is dead until you turn over his head to see an exit wound of a hollow point 9mm bullet but no evidence of bloodshed.
Savior Genesis asks calmly "Who found them?"
a soldier at the doorway announces himself, "I did sir. "
"you are one of mine bring me your weapon and your written orders. "
"which weapon? "
"boy you must be out your fucking mind, you are a suspect of murder. Go get what I told you to get and your fucking ammo box that was assigned to you. "
he runs and gets his rifle and mini-machine gun, he hands over the papers the ammo box and everything else, "that's all of it "
"what about your roommate "
"died six days ago from getting electrocuted at work because he made a mistake. "
"what mistake did he make? "
"forgot to turn off the power before replacing a damaged wire, the arch hit him in the chest and continued to create a complete circuit with the ground until he hit the ground, already dead because it stopped his heart. "
"what was his name? I'll be looking into it."
I stop Genesis, "you're being stupid. "
"how? I didn't even check his stuff. "
"that entry wound is a very small wound, the rifle rounds are much bigger than that. And the rounds for this machine gun is meant to be chemically dipped to cause an acid burn. Each pull of the trigger causes four bullets to fly. I don't know about you but I only see one bullet hole in this room and it's in that head. "
"now boy."
"yes sir. "
"don't call me sir. My name is Bōkun and I will be addressed as such. Don't let sir slip again I'm trying to help. "
"understood. "
"last time you went to the range qualifying with a machine gun, what score did you get?"
"of how many? "
"see Genesis, he is not the best shot but he would not miss a target from point blank range like that. So go fuck yourself." I look at the kid, "go lock this stuff up in your room, when is your mission anyways can't have weapons in your room for more than 3 days before a mission."
"um it was supposed to start 2 hours ago, but we are all still here because of this. "
"I'll address it later, go put everything back."
"yes Bōkun "
I start to leave the barracks and I stop on all 4 floors real quick to announce a new formation. When I get outside I see that the other three barracks for night shift are still out there. I say to the ranking soldiers, "I have something to say then everyone can do what they have to for the rest of the night ".
The final formation quickly creates itself.
"Everyone, this is not an easy thing for me to say. I have no idea what the fuck happened. This morning there was horrific murders of 7 of us. I say us and not you for two reasons, I had to gain my rank just like everyone else to be where I am today. And the second reason being, I don't know the end game and just like those seven soldiers were targets, so are we, so am I. For safety I want everyone to sleep in shifts two hour naps watching the entrances. This will at least discourage whoever did this. Right now I'm assuming that the one who did this is my late son Drent, we revived him when we found him roughly two years after we thought he died. He was a very strong boy, two years in a coma, no life support being gnawed on by scavengers, two years and he was nearly dead, he still survived.
He didn't make it out of that with a strong mind. He is proving to be a danger to everyone. This kills me as a father to say, I probably should have let him die, then there wouldn't be seven allied lives lost at his hands today. I am a failure as a father and I'm sorry to have unleashed this man upon us all" I accidently let some tears escape and continue my speech holding the rest back. "not to mention the five he had previously. Some of you knew him in basic training, he is not a friendly, treat him like you would a Virginian shoot first then find cover and continue firing but of course that wouldn't apply in a crowd." I feel the crowd getting uneasy and I think I even see part of the crowd opening up. "alright does anyone have any questions? "

Someone raises their hand and I acknowledge them, "will we be allowed to get weapons from the armory to defend our homes or are we doing hand to hand combat? "
"I won't stop you from getting weapons. Yes, you may, just be aware that I only have so many, on this base alone I have 100,000 soldiers and in my other 5 bases I have a trusted hero ranked soldier who is in charge of bases and between all the bases I gotta have something like 175 thousand soldiers to worry about. So I guess if it's completely overwhelming amount of people wanting them I will see what I can do. But ya choose one nonexplosive weapon and if you choose a melee weapon instead of a firearm that would be wonderful because I easily have enough for everyone then. Alright does anyone else have a question? That one was very good very fair question thank you."
I see three hands go up and I acknowledge one of them, "Nine killed I night last seven kill didn't I. Father hello."
I get angry and my face turns red and I can feel the veins popping out of my head. "Reveal that fucking soldier, he will be executed if this is a joke. I Swear I will shoot him in the head myself! This is not a joke!"
The ranks unfold to reveal one soldier standing alone. "You of left nothing there's until, ending tragic no there's you onto hold I'll. Before felt never emotions, no more me fail. Goodbye say to me for reason no there's."
He begins to walk forward and the formation closes back around him. "how dare you show yourself! "
"Hug a get I can, attention fatherly some need I see just you can't now. There you for waiting was I. Sheets need his burning without too char to someone burned I. Work best my by waiting was I. You missed I. Me miss you don't father but."
I took a few seconds as he is still walking to me looking like he wants to hug. "yeah I guess a hug is okay." I reach my arms out to embrace my son got the first time in nine weeks. Even closing my eyes. I open my eyes abruptly because I feel a pressure on my back and he is squeezing my throat in a hold.
"Throat your hug could I if ask to meant I." Laughing like a lunatic.
I feel a shock as I was beginning to pass out because I couldn't break his hold. "soldier what took you so long?"
Drent is on the floor not moving. "I'm sorry that took so long I'm a part of night shift detainment team and I had to break ranks to get my Taser."
Drent stands back up and gives a devastating kick to the soldier that sends him flying into a formation. Afterward, he starts melting into the cracks of the cement. "Not he's, here already I'm but, brother my as deal same the want I. Sink ships lips loose and hands have floors the eyes and ears have walls the father remember."
"full night shift detainment team you're guarding me as I sleep, get ready and meet me there it's already getting late. Everyone else is dismissed. "
I get ready for bed knowing full well I'll be okay.   

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