Chapter 3

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Poison and Wine by The Civil Wars

Why by the Secondhand Serenade


(Cassidy's POV) 

I walked quickly through the cutting cold air of the campus to get to the library. It was lunch, I had already eaten, and I needed to get some studying in before the afternoon classes. My hands were freezing, and I shoved them into the front pockets of my white coat. 

Harry. I kinda liked that name. He wasn't too bad either. Not at all actually.

My phone rang. I stopped walking and reached into the back pocket of my bag to answer, but a freshman shoved into the back of me.

"Watch it lady, I need to do my homework." He strolled off into the bright library without another word. I sighed.

Answering my phone, I said,  


"Cassidy?" It was Drew. 

He sounded drunk. 

"Drew?" My hand started shaking from the chill of the air and from hearing Drew's wobbly voice. I rushed into a small allyway between the library and the small pub, and stood under a small outdoor heater.

"Where have you been Cass?" He said angrily.

"Um in class, where you should have been too. And dont call me Cass."

"What did you just say?"

His voice was no longer coming through the speaker, and he suddenly stood only a few feet away from me, and had obviously just left the pub, a pack of beer in his hand. Shoving his phone in his back pocket, he threw one of the glass bottles onto the floor, and slowly stepped towards me. I backed up until I was pressed up against the wall, my body trembling with fear.

"Never, ever, ever tell me what to do Cassidy South. Who do you think you are?" His thick Irish accent grew angrier and slightly darker.

He picked me up by my shirt and slammed me into the brick wall, just as it started snowing.

"Get off of me Drew!" I yelled in his ear, as he continued to lift me higher off of the ground.

Then someone shoves Drew onto the floor and I fall to the ground.

"Leave her fucking alone!"

Harry. its Harry

He sits on top of Drew, their faces only inches away from each other, to stop him from getting up again.

(Harry's POV) 

Suddenly I am running for the asshole holding Cassidy against the wall.

"Leave her fucking alone!" Then i'm on the ground on top of Drew. 

"What the hell man?" He was drunk. Even better. "I can touch my girlfried if I want bro, whats it to ya?" I wanted to smack that ugly smirk off of his face.

"Yeah, you can touch her, but not like that!" I was yelling in his face. "And didn't your mother ever teach you not to hit a girl? What the fuck is wrong with you?" 

His face was red. 

Unaware of what was going on around me, I was suddenly pulled up by my sleeve.

"Harry, please, dont hurt him." Cassidy's voice was trembling. Had she been crying?

I shot up.

"Sorry." I said, now feeling guilty for moving so fast.

Drew was unconcious now, either from my yelling or the fact that he was drunk, I could not tell. Though Drew was still on the floor, Cassidy kept her eyes on me. 

She had obviously had seen him like that before.

Snow was falling onto her chesnut eyelashes and hair, and blush was slowly rising in her cheeks and nose. God damn, she was beautiful

"Its okay, actually better then okay. Thank you." Tears started falling from her gorgeous eyes. She stepped closer to me and hugged me tightly. I was surprised, and took a step back. Damn it, why did I have to be so awkward?

"Oh um, sorry." She said, stepping back also.

"No, its okay Cassidy. Really. I was just kinda surprised." she smiled, and my heart soared. Then I opened my arms and once again, she steped between them, closing the small gap between us.

"Thank you." She wispered again, making me go weak.

(Cassidy's POV)

"What the hell man?"

I felt the cold sleet against my face. 

"I can touch my girlfriend if I want bro, whats it to ya?" This is not happening. This is not happening.

"Yeah you can touch her, but not like that!" I was numb, I could barely hear or think anymore.

"And didn't your mother ever teach you not you hit a girl? What the fuck is wrong with you?"

Someone was standing up to Drew.

Harry, Harry was standing up to Drew.

Suddenly, I could see again. I wasn't thinking about the past, or the future. I was thinking about the now. Maybe today was the day i would finally get set free, from this horriable guy that was hurting me physically and mentally.

Without thinking, I gently pulled Harry up by his sleeve.

"Harry, please, don't hurt him." as much as I wanted him to, I knew how that felt.

"Sorry." He says. His voice is beautiful. I wish Drew was more like him.

"Its okay, actually better then okay. Thank you." Tears slid down my cheeks slowly. 

God, I really wish I could tell him how thankful I was. I stepped closer to him, and wraped my arms around him.

But he stepped back. 

Shit. Too soon Cassidy. Why did you do that

"Oh, um, sorry." I said softly.

"Its okay Cassidy, really," the way he said my name, oh my god. So much love. "I was just kinda surprised." I smiled. thank god. He held open his arms, and I felt warmer then I had ever been in my entire life...

"thank you." i softly said in his ear.

I was suddenly yanked from Harry's arms and thrown back onto the concrete ground.

"Get the fuck off of my girlfriend you dick!" Drew was awake, and sober now i guess. His face was twisted with anger and his fists were clenched. 

and again, I started crying.

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