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This is a Markjae fic for all those Markjae shippers like me who are deprived of Markjae fanfictions. I really hope you enjoy this story!

The doorbell ringing brings Mark to throw open the front door, his heart stopping for a second when he realizes who's standing there.

"Youngjae?" He asks, his heart starting to beat like crazy.

"Hey Mark-hyung," the brunette greeted, his dazzling smile successfully taking Mark's breath away. Scratch that, everything about the boy standing in front of him managed to make Mark swoon and have to search for his breath multiple times almost every day of his life.

Mark was far too gone for his attraction to Choi Youngjae to just be considered a simple crush. Oh no, it was more than that. He was in love with the boy.

"Is Kyle here?" (I made up the name and tried making it sound as American as possible, so please don't roast me for my terrible naming skills XD)

That one name that slipped off of his tongue managed to break Mark out of his trance, and reality decided to hit Mark in the balls. Youngjae wasn't here to go on a date with him, and he most definitely wasn't here to lay down together and cuddle. He was here for his brother, Kyle. Because yes, his older brother had beat him to confessing his undying love for Youngjae, and now he had to watch as the one he was smitten for dates his older brother.

"Right... I'll go and call him down for you. You can come in and chill while you wait." He gestured for the boy to come inside, which he happily obliged and sat his, as Mark would say, "fine ass" down on the love seat.

Being not so in a rush to tell his brother that the love of his life was waiting for him to go on a date, he slowly trudged up the stairs. Once he reached the end of the hall, he stood just outside the guy's room, his hand twisting the doorknob without knocking. Boy, did he get a surprise.

"Oh shit!" His brother, Kyle, had yelped in surprise when Mark had opened the bedroom door, revealing the older male noticeably naked under the sheets, along with an unknown female who just stared back at Mark with wide eyes.

"M-Mark?! What are you doing here?" Kyle nervously questioned, clutching the sheets against both of their naked bodies.

It took a while of Mark trying to process what was happening before he could finally find some words to say. I mean, what was he supposed to say when he just walked in on his brother, who just so happened to be in a relationship with the boy he was in love with, having sex with some bimbo in the middle of the day?

"First of all, I live here," Mark stated matter of factly. "Second, if you're gonna have sex behind someone's back in daylight with a house that's obviously not empty, lock the fucking door." His words were said with venom heavily laced in them, making the two other occupants in the room flinch at the harshness.

"It's not what it looks like--"

"Save your sorry excuses for someone who's dumb enough to believe them," Mark said with an edge to his usually clam voice. He then looked at the mystery girl that was clutching his brother's sheets.

"You. Window. Now." Without any complaints, the girl quickly got dressed and made a shaky attempt to exit through the window.

"Dude, you can't just make a lady leave through a window. We're on the second floor!" At his brother's outburst, he rolled his eyes and stomped over to him.

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