He Needs Your Love

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Alright, here's a little One-Shot that just sorta happened! It is a SongFic, or a Fanfiction based on a song. The song is "The Ballad Of Jeremiah Peacekeeper" which I recently heard and this just happened! The lyrics of said song are the italics in between the paragraphs. Enjoy!

Third Person

Cody stared into the distance, his mind scattered. He could see the many rocky hills and coral, as well as the distant railways, but his mind was on one thing. War was coming, and it would be coming soon. Cody wasn't quite ready for it.

He stares out the window, blank as a canvas

Cody closed his eyes and imagined what motivated him, or more accurately, what he feared would happen if they were to fail. He imagined Atlantis in flames and rubble, the once beautiful city that he could call home, damage to the point where repair would take years. He imagined his friends and citizens dead and if any were to live, how they would live in agony, knowing they had lost.

Made up in the sunlight and swirling smoke and ash

Then the brown eyes flickered back open. War would come any minute now, and he had no way of stopping it.

He waits for a breath now

That image in his mind could very well become a reality, and that's what scares him the most. That even if they lose but his friends live, they could become prisoners of war, slaves even. Cody started to imagine every terrible possibility that could become of them. He wouldn't wish it on any of them, even if some were people he used to call evil.

Taking his time, he sees eternity in a blink of an eye

Cody is the king, and this is his city. King's have to protect their city at all costs, even their life if it comes to that.

And for him life is made of time and choices

Turning around, his city comes into his view and he starts to softly smile, remembering all the things he's done there. All the good memories, and the bad as well, but memories are memories when you are afraid of losing them.

And endless blends of vistas painted bright with memories

Cody doesn't notice the figure approaching him until it is right in front of him. He turns to see the familiar face of the snake-human hybrid he knew so well. Tanith doesn't say anything, but Cody knows why she's here. They both nod to each other and start to swim towards the portal above them.

The here and now will bow to him to only serve one purpose

The pair move ahead of the many soldiers that are ready to fight and stand in the front lines. In that line is people that Cody knows well, Professor Pikalus, Sam and Selena as well as KrakenKid, CannibalCrab and Baby Blooper. All are there, even the Tide Changers, because all of Atlantis is threatened. If Atlantis goes down, so does everyone else. They stand in a line, all ready to lead. However, Cody steps in front of them all, eyes fixated on the portal. He is ready, ready to defend his home. Though he can't see them, the seven behind him take fighting positions. They are all ready to defend him if needed.

To keep your peace

When the portal opens up and the troops of the other army pour out, Cody charges ahead, raising his spear in the air and the crystal give off a strong glow. The rest follow.

He takes on the world, all in a stride

Cody doesn't hesitate to strike the first one that comes into contact and fights, tooth and nail. Out of the corner of his eye, he sees Selena taking a beating and quickly swims to aid her. In an instant, the sword meant to strike Selena hits Cody and he winces. His body contracts, trying to work through the pain. But his eyes open again, full of a fiery determination and with his Atlantean weapon, he lets out a short pulse of energy, one that hits the crowding enemies and makes all of them drop. Selena smiles, giving him a little thanks. Cody nods and goes off to continue fighting.

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