founder | @yoonginet

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Hey! I'm the founder of this campaign. Let me just introduce myself and then I'll go onto explaining why I made this.

My name is Salma. It means peace in Arabic because it is similar to the Arabic greeting: Asaalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh. May peace, mercy and blessings of Allah be upon you. I am 12 years old, yes I am very young, don't be surprised.

When I was young, I never knew things about Islam. I was a very bad Muslim. I was born into a family but they were not religious. I didn't get taught the Qur'an, yet I learnt some Surahs and some Dua's. But I did not like doing this, I didn't understand what I was doing.

When I was 4 years old, a Meshab (teacher) came into my house. My sisters were reading the Qur'an whilst I was still learning the Shahadahs. But this Meshab was very scary, he had an umbrella who he used to hit people with if they were bad. So me being the scaredy cat I was, I ranaway and then I didn't go back. 😂😂 big mistake I made.

Then when I was 8 years old, I got put into a mosque with my siblings. I'm still there and I am happily reading Qur'an. I read it very good, but when it comes to memorising Surahs... well I'm not so good.

Anyway, the mosque has taught me good. They taught us how to pray. They taught us how to read properly. They taught us Hadiths. They taught us many things, Allah bless them. They are still teaching but many things have changed, I just prefer the old way.

So I made this project because one of my friends [sluttylena] had a hater on her rant book. This is just one of them, I've seen many. But this hater went over the board, they told us to have sex with Allah. Astaghfirullah.

I also made this account because of Donald Trump. Banning Muslims from America as soon as he becomes president. The world needs to understand that Muslims are not terrorists. We are human just like you. We just want to practice our religion, why do we have to go through so many sacrifices?

And this account was made to show that we are good people.

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