"want an apple?!?!"

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The day of the incident Evie disappear, Mal and her friends were worry cause they didn't know what was happen to her, why did she left and didn't came back...

"Everything is your fault" Mal look at Chad since she walk into the cafeteria...

"What?" Lonnie said looking at Mal confused...

"What? It's not my fault that She's a witch" Chad said looking at Mal like a jerk...

Carlos and Jay came on time to the cafeteria to stop Mal before she could kill Chad...

"What's going on" Lonnie said looking at Chad and Mal...

"Chad call Evie a witch and fake" Carlos said looking at Lonnie...

"What?! I only said the true" Chad said looking at Carlos with angry eyes and he walk two steps to get close to him...

"Back off" Jay push Chad back to his place with a angry voice...
The students of Auradon were looking that scene with excitement, cause they knew that something will be happen, a war between the AK's and the VK's of Auradon prep, the people look back to the door of the cafeteria when they heard the door open, they see Evie walking with a red apple in her hand, she was dressed up like the first time she came to Auradon, the AK's get a little scared cause she was walking with a evil smile, that kind of smile that could give you nightmares, that smile of a killer...

"Hey guys, want an apple" Evie said putting the apple In front of Mal and the others...

"Evie, where had you been" Mal look into her eyes, but something was different, her eyes had a sparking red color on it...

"That doesn't matter M, do you want an apple"Evie said with a mysterious voice, the AK's an VK's feel a cold air in their necks, when they heard that sentence...

"No thanks!" All said at the same time...

Those kids were getting scared but they didn't want to admit it...

"I better go" Lonnie said a little scared and Chad was pushing her so she could walk out of there...

"You guys are not going anywhere! Evie said with red eyes and with a small smile...

"Jay, I'm scared" Carlos whisper to Jay, jay take his hand...

"Evie, whats wrong with you?" Mal was confused but angry at the same time...

"What is wrong is that Chad have something that it's mine" Evie said looking at Chad with her brown eyes that were about to be red...

"What, I don't have anything that belong to you" Chad said looking at Evie's eyes with a scared face...

"Oh yeah! Mirror, mirror in my hand show me who got my jewel in this land" Evie said asking at her mirror in her hand, the mirror show the face of Chad...

"Jewel?!?!" Jay, Carlos, and Mal ask at the same time...

"Yes, we all have jewels but the AK's stole them" Evie said looking at her friend with a angry voice...

"They are gonna pay" Evie take off a bottle and throw the poison in Chad and Lonnie's face, they look at her confused and then they fall to the ground, the people of the cafeteria freak out and all of them runaway, Mal, Jay and Carlos just look at their friend, they still don't understand why she's doing this, and what jewels is she talking about, they just get lost in their minds, Evie grabbed the backpack of Chad and she found what she was looking for...

"Finally!" Her eyes turn red like blood...

"Everyone is gonna pay for what they did to our parents" Evie said looking at her friends, her family that now was just breaking a part, the ones who had a mission to finish, the mission that they do not complete in the first place...

"Evie what's the matter with you" Jay speak for the first time, cause he was quite since Evie appear in the cafeteria...

"Did you kill them?!?!" Carlos said with a scared face looking at Chad and Lonnie that were in the ground....

"Not yet" Evie said laughing with her evil laugh...
Evie turn Bad!!!
It's because of her jewel, the jewels of the villains have a magic spell on it, that could turn the ex-villain kids Rotten to the core again....!!!!

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