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park jimin.

Sighing contently as he delicately ran his small fingers over the soft, off-white plastic of his brand new Polaroid, a young boy with cotton-candy pink hair sat alone in a park filled with people. He traced his fingers along the wooden bench, thinking about his best friend Jeongguk. He was a young brunette boy with a friendly smile, and he had gotten Jimin so many things for his 17th birthday. So many things that he didn't think he deserved, including a new journal and this Polaroid. His old one had broken, and his friend had known how sad he was over the loss of his favorite camera.

Of course, the pink haired boy had many more cameras, both digital and film, but he especially loved the Polaroid. It was so simple to use, and almost every picture taken with it turned out great. No need for post editing or optical corrections like his more advanced cameras. Smiling to himself, Jimin lightly pressed a button, and the familiar 'pop' of the lens opening emitted from the camera held gently in his hands. The pink-haired boy by the name of Jimin stood up and turned slowly in a circle, scanning the park for any opportunities to put his brand new camera to use.

Almost immediately spotting a familiar ravenette amongst the crowd of restless strangers, the boy named Jimin sighed. His sigh was bittersweet, the breath expelling itself from his lungs along with the somber thoughts he held in his heart.

Aligning the camera up to his eye as he waited for the perfect shot, Jimin realized how much he missed this feeling. He pressed lightly on the small button, and the camera let out a small 'snap' and a flash of light as it perfectly captured the raven-haired boy laughing. As the small, white camera slowly spit out the undeveloped photo, Jimin gently placed it in his hoodie pocket so that the light wouldn't affect it while it was developing.

Since a Polaroid photo took a few moments to develop, Jimin sat down on the worn old bench again, this time pulling his new journal out of a small brown canvas bag. Along with photography, the pink haired boy loved to write. It helped him express his feelings, especially those concerning a young black-haired boy. Opening the seemingly expensive suede leather cover of his journal, Jimin sighed, wondering how much Jeongguk had paid for it.

Jimin pulled out a shortened wooden pencil from his canvas bag, flipping softly to the second page of the journal. As his pencil touched the paper, a gentle flow of words began streaming out of the graphite tip onto the purposefully yellowed paper. Biting his lower lip out of concentration as he wrote, Jimin's focus was completely on the task at hand. He planned on filling this book with more and higher quality letters than his last journal, which was in the canvas bag by his feet. Picking up his pencil from the page, Jimin read what he had just written.

Seeing your rare but bright smile greatly warms my heart, even though I know you don't know me. This is my first letter in this book, and with it, I ask you to please smile more... I love you, my happy raven haired boy. Please stay happier; at least, more so than me. I know you'll never see this but I do have a small amount of hope that I can hold on to. I, at least, have the idea of you loving me back. But please, Yoongi, Smile more. I'll be able to cope just watching you, as long as you're happy. I love you more than you''ll probably ever realize. Stay happy, so that I have something to live for.
-Park Jimin"

Scratching his head, Jimin wondered to himself if this letter was good enough to be the first in the journal. After thinking for a moment, he sighed, knowing that this was the best he was going to get. He believed that the black-haired boy deserved so much more than just a shitty letter, but what could he do about it? Dismissing the thought, Jimin brought his attention back to his writing.

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