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As I was flying through the sky, wind in my hair, ruffling my feathers. I heard gun shots fly by me. I thought I was okay but then I felt a serous pain in my right wind and I was instantly going down. I landed in a huge body of water and heard muffled voices from outside the water.

"What the hell!" Shouted a man another man replied
"Look, there's just something in the pool Ryan, chill."
"It has wings!" I stood up from the water and retraced my wings.
"Actually I'm a she not an it."
"Woah, the fuck?" Said a man with black hair. I attempted to climb out of the water but had some trouble. The man with blue hair walked up to me and helped me out and carried me into the home behind us.
"Are you okay? What's your name?"
" I'm fine. My name's Teegan."
"Hmm, Teegan, cool." He sat me down on this weird black thing that was weirdly soft. As he laid me down he began to ask me questions
"Were those real wings?"
"Before I answer that, who are you guys?"
"Who me and Ryan? Well that's Ryan and im matt."
"Okay, thank you, and yes they are real wings."
"Where'd they go?"  I showed my wings and the right one instantly flopped into the ground and Matt looked surprised. My left wing stayed up.
"What happened to your wing?"
"It got shot."
" Yeah.."
" I had to escape the laboratory I've been kept in since birth."
"Wow, Ryan! Get me some ice and bandages! Is anything else soar?"
"Umm yeah, my ankle is a little soar." He looked down at it and he did not look happy.
"You're ankle bust have broke in impact with the bottom of my pool."
"And my wing is obviously broken. What should we do about the ankle?"
"Umm, hospital?"
"Okay, when do we go?"
"I can take you tonight." I nodded and he asked if a had any other clothes seeing as I was in a torn up white shirt and blue pants. He said that'd work. He picked me up and brought me into his car and we drive for the longest time.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2017 ⏰

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