Baths and Solutions

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Stiles was led into her house, Lydia took note of how cold the girl looked and decided that she needed a warm bath, so Lydia set Stiles at her desk and got the bath ready. Once the bath was ready Lydia dragged Stiles into the bathroom and made her strip and get into the tub, Stiles didn't react, she just took off her clothes and got in the tub and faced the wall away from Lydia. Lydia began poring the warm water all over Stiles and started to wash her hair.

"What was his name?" Lydia asked, she knew it was Rob Stark but she needed Stiles to talk about him and see if she can give more information about him.

"What?" Stiles asked while looking back at her.

"What was his name?"

Stiles stayed quiet for a little bit.

"His name was Rob," Stiles said with a smile.

"What did he look like?"

"Like his mother," Stiles answered while giggling.

"What?" Lydia asked with a smile.

"His mother had red hair and blue eyes and he had red hair and blue eyes."

"What did his father look like?"

"He had brown hair and grey eyes, the only other Stark that had Grey eyes was Arya, Robs little sister."

"Did he have any other siblings?"

Stiles nodded. "He had two brothers and another little sister, Rickon was the youngest, then there was Bran, and then there was Arya and then there was Sansa. He had such a big family."

"So you married him?" Lydia asked with a smirk.

"Yeah, he was supposed to marry one of Walder Frey's daughters for a bridge that was going to be built but the king Robert wanted us to get married and the Frey wedding was called off, a few months later we got married and after that I got pregnant."

"What was the wedding like?"

"We got married in front of the gods wood, its a big tree with white bark and had a face carved in, and it would look like it was crying blood, but that was actually the red sap that came from the trees. There was only one south of the wall and it was at Winterfell."

"Is that where you lived when you were married?"

"Yeah, we would have to travel to different villages that were around but other than that I spent most of my time there with the Starks."

Lydia was now done with Stiles' hair and when to wash her body.

"Do you want me to wash your body or can you do it?"

"This is a little embarrassing but my hands are numb from the ice bath still," Stiles said with an apologetic smile, Lydia just smile and started to wash her back, she kept looking at the wolf on her shoulder.

"What does the wolf mean?" Lydia asked "Why is it tattooed on your shoulder?"

"The wolf is the sigil for house Stark, every time a new Stark enters the family they are gifted the make of the Stark, it didn't hurt but it didn't feel good either," Stiles aid with a little laugh.

Lydia was done washing Stiles and got her out of the tub, dried off, and into some warm sleeping clothes and laid her in bed. Stiles covered herself in her blanket and Lydia was running her fingers through her hair.

"Rob used to do that, the maids used to put lavender in the bath and when I would lay down he would always notice the lavender, not the honey or the mint but the lavender," Stiles said while smiling. Lydia got up to let her sleep but her hand was grabbed "How do you do it? I know you still love Jackson and Aiden is gone, so how do you do it?"

"I like to think they want me to be happy so if I'm happy they should be happy too right?" Lydia said. Stiles nodded and let go of Lydia and put her face in her pillow "You'll meet him again, don't worry." and with that Lydia went down stairs where she met the rest of the pack.

"How is she?" Noah asked about his daughter.

"Heart broken, sad, angry. She's in pain, and I don't think we should have gotten her memories back," Lydia said with a hard face.

"What do you mean?" Scott asked.

"This isn't some break up Scott! This was her life, Rob was her husband and they were going to have a baby! You can't just get over that! She was stabbed in the stomach while pregnant and had to watch him die!" Lydia yelled at them.

"I had to watch Allison die!" Isaac yelled "you saw Aiden die and Chris lost his wife and daughter, so you know what she needs to get over it! This happened thousands of years ago, she shouldn't even be effected by this!"

Lydia didn't know what came over her and she punched Isaac in the eye and he fell backwards.

"Shut up! You weren't even dating her and yes I did see Aiden die but guess what? We weren't even going out either, Chris may have lost his wife and daughter and that sucks but Stiles hasn't had a lose like this since her mom and she confused and scared so cut her some slack or I will break you in half," Lydia had tears in her eyes and sat down while catching her breath. "She needs time."

"What should we do?" Malia stepped up to Lydia "She helped me at Eichen so I'm going to help her."

"I'm not sure. I guess the only thing we can do is give her space, make sure she's eating, sleeping and taking showers. We can't rush this. This... this is a lot and she needs to take it at her own pace and needs to learn how to be at peace with this on her own and we will be there for her," Lydia said while looking at the pack, everyone nodded.

"Its really late guys and I think Stiles is trying to go to sleep, we will pick up this conversation tomorrow morning okay?" Noah said while kindly kicking people out of his house.

The pack left and Noah went to check on his daughter. He entered her room and saw her sleeping, he got a closer look at her face and saw tried up tears.

"Don't worry, you'll be okay," Noah kissed his daughters head and went to go to his room and prepared for a long day tomorrow.


Woah!!! An update!!!

Vote, Comment, and make some cake!

With Love,

Alpha Vern <3

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