Chapter 2: Tears

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The boy watched very closely at the dark alleyway below him.  It was at any moment that this person would show up, and he needed to attack at the right moment.

There!  He jumped off the roof with a great amount of speed and flashed down to the cement ground, kicking a figure in the process.

The boy took out a long dagger as he walked over to the figure, which now looked like a businessman, and stomped onto his chest while holding the knife to his neck.

"Hello." The boy said politely.  His face remained emotionless.

The man's eyes widened.  It seemed like he knew him.

"G3...*___3.," the words were gargled hopelessly, but the boy didn't seem to notice.

"That's right," he replied.  "And I know that you know where the half demon is, priest.  If you could be as helpful enough as to tell me where he is, that'd be greatly appreciated."

The man spat at him.  "Never!  I'll never tell such a monster where he is!"

The knife glimmered in the moonlight.

There was a quick second that the boys face twisted into that of fury and rage.  "Wrong answer." He spat out in a low voice before digging the knife deep just below the chin.  Blood sprayed out everywhere as the boy began to hum to himself.

It was a familiar toon.

"Don't worry," he whispered as he yanked out the bloody knife.  "I will find you soon."


"Darren!"  I felt someone shaking me.  "Darren!"

I jerked awake to find that everyone was looking at me with concern.  My face felt wet.

I touched my cheek.  Tears.

"Are you having those dreams again?" Cero asked.

I shook my head.  "No," was all I said.  "Just a nightmare."

He nodded.  "A very sad one, I suppose?"


"Well I'm glad you're okay," Zack said while bringing me into a hug.

I paused for a moment before looking around. We were moving.

"Where are we?" I asked as I pulled away from Zack, much to his dismay.

Cero grinned. "We are almost to downtown London, where the specialist lives and will tell us where Genesis is.  I have to warn you, though, that she is a bit weird."

"Weird?" I asked while tilted his head.  "How?"

"Well, first off, she's a witch."

All three demons flinched.

Cero snorted.  "Get over yourselves.  Anyways, she practices every type of witchcraft in the book, and will surely know where, or at least who, Genesis is."

I scratched my chin. "Alright, but I hope she's willing to tell us it. Do we have to pay or something."

Cero shook his head. "Nah. I got it covered. Thanks for worrying, though, but let's just say that's it's my treat."

I nodded, but something was still nagging me. Dark was still out there, and so was this new character. I could tell that he was completely different from Dark, though, even if the mannerisms were the same, but...the new boy was so sad...

His heart had ached me so much that I cried.

I shook my head just as Leo called back from the drivers seat.

"Guys, I think we're here..."

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