Dead to her

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She told her parents about the awful death. They didn't seem to care at all. They just offered to buy her a new guitar. An expensive one. Who did they think they are. You can't just buy a part of your soul. They were dead to her.

Since her guitar was her only friend she had nothing to do, so she decided to go to the old people's home.

She climbed through the window since you needed to know somebody to get in there but it was okay. She sat there and blended in like an chameleon. No one even noticed since old people don't see very well.

Across the room she saw a piano. Her heart skipped a beat. She never really was interested in pianos, but she felt something different today. What was this feeling, she thought. She only knew how to feel about her guitar. Ziggi pushed away the feelings like any normal person and just thought, "I'm just going through a crisis".

After a couple days Ziggi climbed back outside of the old people's home. She started walking home but couldn't get the piano out of her head. What was wrong with her?

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