[00] July 7, X777

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Y/n- Your name
E/c- Eye color
H/c/ Hair color
H/l- Hair length
S/c- Skin color
F/c- Favorite color

•Y/n's POV•
Age 7
"Jūryoku! Jūryoku!" I exclaimed, jumping up and down. The muscular purplish pink-scaled dragon let out a low rumble and turned to me. "Yes child? What is it?" He growled gently, looking down at me. "I have a gift for you!" I squeaked, holding out two matching silver bracelets with rubies implanted in the center. The one for Jūryoku was too small, so for him it could only be a ring for his claw, while I had a matching bracelet on my left hand.
A small smile was clear on his scaly face, and using his enormous claw, he pat my head. "I will cherish this forever..." He dramatically stated, tears dribbled down from his eyes. I gave him a closed eye smile. "You'd better head to bed..." Jūryoku ordered, before picking me up and setting me down under the glittering stars. The grass below was soft, and tickled my s/c skin. Soon enough sleep overcame me, and my breathing softened into tiny snores.
Visions of Jūryoku and I danced through my dreams, and I swore I could feel his rough claw touching my small hand. "Jūryoku..." I whispered, smiling. When the warmth of his claw disappeared, my smile did as well. A lingering feeling inside me that had been there since day one began to grow...

What if Jūryoku left?...

Within the darkness of sleep, I could clearly hear the faint words of Jūryoku, the last words I'd hear from him in a while... Those words were...

"I'll miss you, child..."

Yeah... This is just the prologue so it's bound to be short, the REAL chapters will be way longer! This was more of an introduction, so don't leave just yet!

☤Fire vs Ice [Natsu X Reader X Gray]☤Where stories live. Discover now