
18 5 1

No way this is real...

James stared at what unveiled before him, his terror long gone.

There stood Bonnie and Chica talking about... funny night guard vines?! Foxy and Mangle were running after each other in a game that looked like..tag?! What is this?, he thought. "Welp, here we are! So.. what do you think?" Freddy leaned closer, eager to hear what they thought. James and Cedar looked at each other, and said"Fun!" They ran off to join the others. Freddy chuckled. "I knew this would happen"

James joined Bonnie, and suddenly felt nervous."Umm, hi." he uttered.

Bonnie and Chica stopped their conversation, looked at him and smiled. "Well, hello James! What shall we talk about today?", he turned to Chica."We talked often and had the most amazing conversations" "Awww, aren't you the sweetest little fella'", she said as she pinched his cheek. She turned around to see Cedar hugging Foxy. "AHHHH<3 CEDAR, MY BFF!" She ran after Cedar.

Sorry for the short chapter, I was lazy 

~Byeeeee~ ;3

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