Perfect Potion

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As Eve and Annabeth were walking to Potions, Amber came towards them.
"Hi Eve. I was just wondering if I could walk with you and your friend. It's just that I have no one else that I know and..."

"Hey. Calm down!" Eve laughed. "Of course you can walk with us. Oh and Annabeth, this is Amber. Amber, this is Annabeth." Eve looked at the two girls hopefully.

Annabeth turned to Amber and Amber gasped. "You're the girl from the train! The one who helped me." Amber exclaimed. Annabeth laughed.
"Yeah, that's me! So, you're in Hufflepuff?" she asked.
"Yep. Are you in-"

"Unless you want to stand out here all day, I suggest you come in." A friendly voice chuckled. The girls spun round to face a round man with a smiling face. They laughed, embarrassed and shuffled into their class. Eve looked round and saw three seats at the back of the class. She grabbed the other two girls and dragged them over and sat down. After taking the register, the Potions Master turned to the class.

"Okay class, my name is Professor Slughorn. Today I would like you to show me your areas of interest in potions, so I will be asking you to create whichever one you like today. It is completely free of choice as long as you think you are able to do it. You have 55 minutes to do what you can. Begin."

Eve looked at her textbook. Flicking through it, she found the recipe for Polyjuice Potion, a potion that allows the drinker to transform into anybody for one hour. She didn't think much of anything else, so she read the instructions.

Part 1, step one
Add 3 measures of fluxweed to the cauldron (must have been picked on a full moon).
Add 2 bundles of knotgrass to the cauldron.
Stir 4 times, clockwise.
Wave your wand then let potion brew for 80 minutes (for a Pewter Cauldron. A Brass Cauldron will only require 68, and a copper one only 60.)

Part 1, step two
Add 4 leeches to the cauldron.
Add 2 scoops of lacewing flies to the mortar, crush to a fine paste, then add 2 measures of the crushed lacewings to the cauldron.
Heat for 30 seconds on a low heat.
Wave your wand to complete this stage of the potion.

Part 2, step one
Add 3 measures of boomslang skin to the cauldron.
Add 1 measure of bicorn horn to the mortar, crush to a fine powder, then add one measure of the crushed horn to the cauldron.
Heat for 20 seconds at a high temperature.
Wave your wand then let potion brew for 24 hours (for a Pewter Cauldron. A Brass Cauldron will only require 1224 minutes, and a copper one only 18 hours.)

Part 2, step two
Add 1 additional scoop of lacewings to the cauldron.
Stir 3 times, counter-clockwise.
Split potion into multiple doses, if desired, then add the pieces of the person you wish to become.
Wave your wand to complete the potion.

Looked simple enough, though there wasn't nearly enough time. Even so, she gathered the ingredients and set to work. Whilst she was adding the fluxweed, she glanced over at Annabeth and Amber.
"Hey, what are you guys doing?" the girls looked up.

"I'm having a go at the Fire Protection Potion." Annabeth said before turning back to her Potion which was a turquoise blue.

"Anti-Paralysis Potion." Amber gasped and she caught her finger on the edge of her burning cauldron.

Eve looked over. "You ok?"
"Yup," Amber murmured. "Fine." There was an odd look in her eye and she seemed to be staring into space.
"If you say so." Eve shrugged and turned back to her bubbling potion.

After a while, Eve stepped back and wiped her forehead. Looking down at her cauldron, she admired brilliant red colour. It had droplet leaping about every now and then, but overall it was brewing nicely.

"Well done, Eve!" A voice said above her. Eve snapped her head up in surprise and saw the Professor standing above her. He grinned. "Brewing nicely, I see! Take some samples using your vials to keep if you wish." He winked. Professor Slughorn turned to Annabeth and began complimenting her on her Fire Protection Potion. Eve grabbed some vials and began filling them with her still brewing Polyjuice Potion. Once she was done she turned to Annabeth who was filling some vials with her potion.

"Annabeth!" she turned at the sound of her name being called and looked at Eve. Eve gave a vial of her neatly labelled Polyjuice to her, and Annabeth took it, surprised.
"Thanks." She turned and picked up one of her labelled vials and gave it to Eve, who grinned. The two girls turned to Amber and yet again they exchanged vials, so now all three of them had at least one useable vial of each potion.

"Okay class. Well done today, especially you Eve. You started to create a perfect Polyjuice Potion, which is extremely difficult for most. Congratulations and class dismissed." Professor Slughorn turned away and sat at his desk to begin some paperwork. The class walked out the door and Eve stopped in the corridor outside and looked at her schedule.

"Yes! Free Period for me! What about you two?" Eve looked at her friends.
"Free Period!" Annabeth exclaimed happily.
"Ugh. Transfiguration for me." Amber groaned. Eve looked at her sympathetically and Amber walked off waving. The two remaining girls waved after her until she disappeared around the corner. Annabeth turned to Eve.

"Come on, let's see if Mia has a free period now. I'll introduce you." Annabeth started running and Eve followed. Time to make a new friend.

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