place only we knew... or so I thought

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Annabeth POV

You know those days when everything just seems so perfect that you wish you could just stay in that day forever?
Today was not one of those days.

This morning started out like any other. I woke up, after being woken up by my younger twin siblings acting like their hyper selves, got ready and left for work.

I know, you probably think I'm way too young to be working, since I'm only seventeen, but you gotta understand, being a four with only one parent working as a teacher and providing for a family of five, is practically suicide. Therefore, I decided to do the best I can in school work, finished school early and took up a job as a tutor for the local school.

At 2 o'clock, when I finished work I decided to meet up with my boyfriend of two years, Luke. We've known each other since we were seven. When we were twelve he was the only thing keeping me from running away (my stepmom and I had a complicated relationship then but it's better now). Ever since then, we've had a regular hang out spot.

What I saw when I got there, I was not ready for.

In OUR regular spot was Luke with another girl, Drew Tanaka, kissing. I just stood there for a moment until I stumbled away. I caught a glance of Luke's eyes before exiting our little spot, a rock at the woods completely shaded by a huge willow tree, where we had shared or first kiss.

I ran back to my home where I flung myself into my room ignoring my parents who wanted to know what was wrong. I heard my dad and stepmom argue for a few minutes about who should go in. A few minutes later, my stepmom, Helen walked in.

"Hey sweetie, want to tell me what's wrong? I know it must be hard but your dad and I, we're just here to help" she asked with worry in her voice, I managed to get out between sniffles the story of what I had seen that afternoon.

"Oh my god!" She exclaimed "I can't believe he would do such a thing! I'm so sorry... You know what? Who needs Luke when you can have Prince Perseus?!"
"WHAT? What is that supposed to mean?" I asked confused
"It means, that he is having a selection, you are eligible to enter AND you got a letter form for it! I say you sign up" I couldn't believe she would actually think I would like to do that! He was probably some stuck up rich brat.
"I think I'm good but thanks... I think I just need some time alone" I said sadly hoping she would comply
"I just want whatever's best for you, you know that right?"
"Of course, thankyou so much, for everything" after that my stepmother let my room but I thought I heard her mumble something like "don't thank me just yet" but I decided to ignore it.

Hey guys ( or whoever will actually see this) Please tell me what you think !

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