An Amazing Day part 3

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Third Person's POV

Percy and Annabeth had just left Sally's when Percy called a taxi and told the driver to take them to The Empire State Building. When they got there Annabeth went up to the counter and said "I would like to go up to the 600th floor please" " sorry ma'am there is no such thing" said the lady at the counter. "Sorry I am Annabeth Chase and I am the official architect of Olympus now can I please go to the 600th floor". She gave Annabeth the card to get to Olympus and with that Annabeth and Percy went up to Olympus.

Percy's POV

I was really nervous you could say I was nervous that Athena was going to attack me for getting married to her daughter. We stepped out of the elevator and walked to the throne room to find Athena, Poseidon, Aphrodite, Zeus, Ares, Apollo, Hermes, Dionysus, Artemis, Hera, Demeter and Hephaestus. I was beyond nervous and not because if Athena or Poseidon but because of what Aphrodite might do when she hears what were about to say.

Athena's POV

The sea scum looked nervous so I was thinking if he impregnated my favorite daughter he would definitely die but he didn't say that he said something worse that idiot said " Annabeth and I w-were engaged" so naturally I yelled "Annabeth Chase I will not allow you to marry this Sea Scum you need my permission and I do not give you my permission". So that caused a huge argument. ( Bold is Athena, normal is Annabeth, Italics is Percy, and Underline is Poseidon)

Mother don't you get it I came here to tell you that we are getting married we have the date set for May 8th I am NOT asking for your permission

I don't give a damn what you were planning there is no permanent attachment so you are NOT getting married

Mother I haven't even told Percy this yet I was planning on telling him tonight but I am pregnant so yes there is a permanent attachment

What Beth you're pregnant why didn't you tell me that is amazing (They hug)

What you impregnated my daughter you bitch you are so dead

Percy I don't approve of this but you obviously love her so I will not stop you

Fine you can get married but Jackson if you ever hurt her I will kill you

Oh and dad I forgot to tell you but I made it into the Olympics for swimming

That's amazing

Thanks we have to go I guess you'll get and invite to our wedding soon

With that they left

I heard a scream and looked to see Aphrodite fangirling over Percabeth and young live ugh this was going to be a long night.

Did you like it, it was the last one to the An amazing day stories
Word count=466
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