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I was falling.

Slowly, slowly falling. Into... what? There was nothing above me, nothing below me, yet... I was falling. I didn't shout. I didn't flail. I didn't even really register what was happening until a few minutes had passed.

I'm shrouded by darkness. Am I floating? No, falling. Definitely falling. I've established falling. Have I established that all I can see is, well, nothing? Not even my own two hands in front of me. Complete darkness-

No. There's a light now. A tiny, brilliantly shining ball of light. A small orb hovering gently and elegantly in the distance like a star. I gazed at it, mesmerized by its beauty. My heart fluttered as I got closer to it, beating at a pace that both confused and amazed me. I watched it dance around happily, not caring that the darkness around it was much bigger than it was. I smiled and reached out, trying to grasp it. It seemed to almost become angry. In a matter of seconds, the once innocent and sweet-looking little light turned red and moved away. I reached for it, but it moved back yet again. It seemed to be avoiding me.

Then I remembered that I was falling.

As I fell, the light turned a dark shade of blue. It seemed to dive after me, but I fell too fast for it to catch up. I looked up and watched as the two of us got further and further apart. As it disappeared from sight, I felt a few tears fall from my face. The loss of the light upset me in way I couldn't explain. I felt something was missing. I felt... a longing for it.

So here I was, spiraling downwards into something I couldn't even begin to understand. Never landing, never asking questions, and never wondering why I was here or where I was going. In my mind, I ran through the only information I had.

My name is Kylie Wilson, I am seventeen years old, and I am falling.

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