Chapter Six

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Impulsivity is a construct in which an individual will perform an action(s) with no regards to the consequences that may occur. A common example of impulsivity is an "impulse buyer"; someone seeing something at a store and immediately buying it, even if it's not a necessity.

"I understand your impulse to argue with me is at a peak right now, but shouting at me from across the table is not going to solve our issues!" Callie was furious. Everyone at the table had started shouting over each other, save for Piper and I. Callie's shout had silenced them. "I won't count your say in the matter unless you-"

"-But, Callie, you can't really think-" Peter started.

"Peter!" Callie scolded. I instinctively edged myself toward Piper and away from Callie. Not because of her voice, but because of her hair and eyes. Upon yelling at Peter, they had both turned a bright red. Peter bowed his head a bit to avoid eye contact with her and muttered an apology. "Now, I don't like to get angry, but you all aren't even attempting to go about this in a professional way!"

"With all due respect, boss," Amber spoke up. "We need these spies back. They could have the crucial information that we sent them there to get."

"We know what He's after is Kylie. He wouldn't offer to send the spies back unless she were to be crucial to His plans. And if she is that crucial, we can't let Him get ahold of her. It could cause absolute destruction." Callie retorted.

"And, if I may point out, the spies could have had their memories wiped," Pepper added.

"That's reversible," said Amber.

"They might know how to fix Will," Avalon nearly whispered. Callie rolled her eyes. Avalon looked around the silent table with a glare. She spoke in a more stern tone now. "I know you guys don't care as much as I do, but need I remind you, his hypnotic abilities could be vital to any of our plans to take Him out."

"That is a good point..." Sophia said hesitantly.

"Look, if we send Kylie in there, we all die!" Pepper stated.

"And if we don't, He gets more desperate and even angrier!" Peter snapped. The debate started to heat up again. Reasons "why" and "why not" were being shouted across the table, and it was starting to overwhelm me.

"Don't I get a say in this?" My question was spoken softly; too quiet for anyone but Piper to hear. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see her giving me a worried look, but I kept my gaze down at the napkin on my lap and avoided any eye contact. I could feel myself starting to break down, and she didn't need to see that.

Piper abruptly stood from the table, her chair making a loud noise on the white marble floor as it was pushed away. A curious silence filled the room as Piper grabbed my arm and lifted me out of my chair, walking with a purpose to an exit. I glanced behind us and saw Callie standing. Her hair and eyes were starting to return to their normal colors.

"Piper." Piper stopped, sighing in annoyance. She turned to look at Callie with a raised eyebrow. "Don't do anything I didn't give you an order for," she said warningly. Piper replied in a bored, yet ticked off tone.

"I'm merely taking her to her room so she doesn't have to listen to some strangers arguing about whether or not to sell her to what I consider the Devil or not. I'm giving her a break. Is that a sin?" Piper's sass made me want to laugh, but her tone sent chills down my spine. If these two got into an argument, picking a side between them would not be an easy feat. Callie stared at her for a moment before looking around at the rest of the group.

"Finish your dinner. I expect you all in Meeting Room One afterwards." With the order given, she collected the files that were strewn about into their folders and exited the room. The attention was turned to Piper and I.

"Come on," Piper mumbled, gently tugging on my arm. I followed without hesitation, not wanting to be in the spotlight anymore. She led me to a quaint little room just down the hall. It smelled a bit musty, as if no one had been in it for a few months and all of the dust had time to settle in. Besides that, it was very clean and neat. The atmosphere was heavy, almost like a weight was being put on my shoulders. "Once you get settled in, you can decorate however you'd like. Posters, pictures, etcetera." Piper annunciated the 't's very particularly, as if trying to make a point or sound more proper. I sat on the bed, remaining very silent and keeping my gaze down. To my left, the bed dipped a bit as Piper sat down. "What just happened out there was a lot. I get it. But, Kylie, Callie isn't the type of person to be swayed easily."

"She could still change her mind!" I finally snapped. She simply raised an eyebrow.

"Shouting at the one person trying to help you isn't going to solve anything, even if you're stressed." she said calmly. There was a pause of silence, then she put her hand on my shoulder, causing my heart to beat faster and my muscles to tense up a bit. I went to say something, but she beat me to it. "This is all a lot to take in. Fiction has become a reality, you supposedly have superpowers, and you're in danger," she stopped for a moment. "You're going to be okay. The others may have seemed a little rude, trying to give you up and all, but once the initial shock of those ransom notes settles down, they'll be supportive. They'll be helpful. We're going to guide you through this."

"Piper." I spoke quietly.


"I'm going to ask you a question, and I need you to be honest with me." She nodded. I spoke slowly. "Is the only thing keeping you from handing me over the fact that He could use me for destruction?" Piper thought it over, choosing her words carefully.

"You want the honest truth? Yes. You need to understand that we all had- have- friends and partners that He took. We're all just holding on to hope that they're still alive. We're desperate to see them again."

"So instead of coming up with a rescue plan, you're all just willing to throw me in as payment," I stated with complete disbelief. I stood up. "I'm a human being! Not money or whatever the hell He or any of you think I am!"

"Kylie, you can't seriously think-"

"I'm going home."


"Home, Piper. As in, not here." I began to storm out of the room.

"You won't be protected!" Piper called after me, but I had already left. Everyone was in Callie's meeting, so the front door was void of any sort of guard. I took a deep breath and swung the door open. I stood on the front porch of the base. It was then that I realized I was alone. Alone in the cold, snowy night...

So be it.

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