Chapter 2

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I was not able to function properly after what he just said. He has definitely lost his mind.

Was it a prank? Am I dreaming? Are my ears ringing? Did I just imagine something horrible? How can he even expect me to do it? How can his daughter even fall for me?

Twiddling with my thumbs I was figuring everything out. I was trying to form suitable words.

"Ethan I am not forcing you. First listen to what I have to say." He replied in a sharp tone.

"O-okay sir," stuttering I managed to say those words.

"Once you marry Kate, you will become the heir of my company," maybe I can , there's no harm. Internally I slapped myself thousand times for planning my future with someone else.

"You will get a share of my property too. I trust you, you will keep her happy. According to me, you are the one for her. This ain't an easy decision, you can take your time," he sounded so desperate. But I can't marry Kate, I won't be able to love her.

"Sir, I'll talk to my parents, then inform you." They would never want me to get married forcefully. There's a way to escape this dilemma. My parents know that Danielle is the only girl I see so they will definitely decline.

People might think that I still depend on my parents for taking decisions. It's not true my parents made me the person I am today so it's necessary to listen to their opinions and then take a final step. I respect everything they have done for me, all sacrifices they made and most importantly giving me hope when I was lost in darkness. I would never think of disappointing them. They were there for me when I was depressed after losing my love. They mean the world to me.

Mr. Anderson chuckled and answered,"Mr. and Mrs. Warren don't have any problem. I spoke to them beforehand. Your mom was constantly saying you have a dark past, she advised you to move on. She said you need to worry for the future ahead rather than crying over spilled milk. Ethan, there's no loss in marrying my daughter, she doesn't bite. Don't let this golden opportunity slip out of your hands." He was trying hard to convince me.

"I haven't seen Kate in person. I don't think she will agree to marry me." She won't think about spending her life with an idiot like me, hopefully. If some greedy person was given the chance to marry her, he wouldn't think twice.

He had tears in his eyes when he said,"She is guilty, she made a mistake which cannot be corrected by choosing glamour life. She realized her fault, she begged for my forgiveness. I had a condition that she will not refuse to marry the person I choose for her. Kate was left with no choice. She readily gave in. It's you Ethan, you are capable for her."

No doubt he is an ideal role model for many young businessmen. He is always a mile ahead than his opponents. In this case, I was his opponent but I will not let him win.

"If you don't mind I would like to meet Kate before taking any step further." I can avoid this uninvited trouble. It just needs to be done with perfection.

"You have limited time. You can't afford to use your own sweet time.I will arrange a date between you two next Friday. Don't wait longer, you aren't getting younger day by day." It was not a suggestion, it was an order.

He was only getting his hopes up. I will disappoint him. Being the stubborn person, Mr. Anderson will find a way to persuade me. I will do everything to protest. He is dreaming fantasy; on the other hand, I will crush his dreams.

"To attend an meeting abroad, I won't be present in the office this week." He handed me the files he was carrying and continued, "Take these files with you. I will email you the necessary work that is supposed to be done."

Time to make a poker face. All I would do at this moment is drown in the ocean.

"I'll take my leave, sir. You will get the update of work everyday." He gave me a satisfied smile while I sneered awkwardly.

Without taking a last look, I strode out of his house, heading to my car. I was just driving, it did not matter where I was going, I just needed some time alone. Away from the city, away from everyone. A few hours passed , the city was left behind.

All I could see was trees, they stood tall. Sometimes I wonder why we don't learn from nature. There's so much to know about life in the woods. Just like the lotus we have the ability to rise from mud, bloom out of the darkness and radiate into the world. We can strive hard and rise from deep slumber. A single good deed will stand out among all our sins. Nature tries to teach us ways of living life; we neglect it.

When I stopped the car and stepped out of it, the crystal clear water of the lake was tempting me to swim. The surface was shinning as the sun rays fell on it. The calmness of the water could not calm me. The garden besides it was well maintained. The wind was blowing briskly, the flowers were moving due to the wind. Colorful butterflies were sucking nectar from the flowers. The butterfly is a proof that you can go through darkness yet become something beautiful.

There was an enormous old blossoming tree in a corner providing shade, I took shelter under it. My back taking support of it's strong trunk. Alone with myself, the tree bends to caress me; the shade hugs my heart. Many birds were building their nests, the young ones were learning to fly. My heart is like a singing bird; I don't have answers to any questions but I have songs.

The garden had different varieties of flowers- daises, tulips, sunflowers and orchids. I recalled the day back in high school when I used to plant flowers with Danielle in the school garden. She took utmost care of the flowers. The dirt on her face did not bother, the blossoming of the flowers did. The fruits of her efforts were beyond excellence. The garden was impressive. It was only Danielle who put me forward to go close to flowers. Rest others would make fun of me so I never told anyone about my hobby. We would nurture flowers together and admire the butterflies fluttering around.

In the evening, we both would stroll in the vicinity; I miss those days. All those talks are present in my mind as if they just happened yesterday. She loved to draw; she sat for making sketches portraying the natural pulchritude. Every stroke, every detail in her art was perfect to me. Danielle's artworks were silent pictures which only revealed their secrets to me.

Her memories are my favorite place to go when my mind searches for peace. I recollected our memories, her smile and her red face. The starting of our friendship, trusting each other and sharing our secrets. We will always remain best friends , nothing can break our bonding.

The very first time we went together to a high school party and got drunk is one of my cherished remembrance. Morosely, even if I try hard I can't remember that night. It will always be a memorable one though. The first time I got sloshed with liquor and her love.

Everything was pleasant after that night. Then one day she left. Everybody started indicting me for no reason. It was something for which I was not responsible. There was some misconception, I never had the odds to justify my righteousness. I could not take the derision anymore. Subsequently, my parents decided to move to London. A few years later, I came to LA questing for profession.

I never said goodbye to Danielle, our story is still incomplete. The chapters are yet to be written with love. We have done wild things together. I can't let her go without a final farewell. She will always remain by my side.


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